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  1. Moy perevod okolo 800Kb. Takje mogu pomo4 c nsdtroykoy paneli Skype : pifagor.ua
  2. I found the decision here https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/CSGO_Workshop_For_Server_Operators
  3. Prompt please. From where values for +host_workshop_collection +workshop_start_map and - authkey
  4. I ask from you the help. I updated CSGO to the last version and now the server isn't started. As it is possible to add the necessary files or folders and as it is possible to solve this problem. Are added the ravine from the console below. Server is hibernating dlopen failed trying to load: /home/tcagame/.steam/sdk32/steamclient.so with error: /home/tcagame/.steam/sdk32/steamclient.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient The request to write in detail, I badly understand English
  5. Please delete this theme. This replay
  6. Hello After the update I can not accept an order in WHMCS writes an error:
  7. You fix it? All administrators have to do this manually or automatically created ftp?
  8. Hey. You have a beautiful site. I would like to ask you for help, unless of course have the time. I need help in configuring integration tcadmin and WHMCS Thanks in advance

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