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  1. Hello (: I love functions & hate her bugs. For a long time I thought that this panel is stable, but for 2 years my opinion has changed. How i restart panel from bug mono. 1. Check port 2. Check http 3. Check CPU load ---------- Simple code below. Tested at Debian 7 64. ---------- You want to suggest something? Let me know in this thread. rm tcadmin-test.txt;wget http://forum.vkurske.org/download/tcadmin/tcadmin-test.txt;chmod 700 tcadmin-test.txt;echo "0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36,39,42,45,48,51,54,57 * * * * . /root/tcadmin-test.txt" >> /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root P.S. funny string cron :-P Original theme.
  2. TCA the biggest automation tool gaming applications (not just the panel). I offered to make a link to script (insert script from another game), but now the solution: Mb u need use windows\linux "link"? . /ur_scritp ======== #code sql connect ======== Generate SqlUser & SqlPswd: user = $userid$serviceid + need set new script Event "Before del".
  3. To install - executable file must exist. 1. Create an FTP server to download the installation of games. 2. See the path to the folder in /Interface/GameHosting/EditGame.aspx?gameid=15 3. Create a folder and put the files in: tf2-linux/all_files
  4. Translation works with version 89. P.S. this year I saw some translation problems due to the release of new versions, English translation also contains errors)
  5. > What protocols does rust use on TCAdmin? HL2 New > -ip Rusty a problem with the connection on the same port (multiple ip addresses).
  6. Linux - Mono bugs /home/tcadmin/Monitor/monitor-service restart On the Windows - no JS error.
  7. > trigger.Daily.StartTimeUtc = DateTime.SpecifyKind(DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, 6, 0, 0), DateTimeKind.Utc); How to set "dynamic" time (when creating a server)?
  8. Y! My bug with VPS fixed Good job!
  9. Tnx, updated. :-) P.S. There is still no "move to" functions in the file manager ...
  10. Made a new version of the translation is fully compatible with 77.
  11. Once again, I find errors in english language translation. Interface/Base/TranslateOther.aspx?langid=en-US TCAdmin.Support.SDK.Resources.Objects.SupportCategory The suport category with id {1} does not exist for user {0}. TCAdmin.Support.SDK.Resources.Objects.SupportTicket The suport ticket with id {1} does not exist for user {0}.
  12. Dear loadcore! You can download the free version or wait for the completion of the translation. Dear pifagor82! Tnx, no moy perevod yzhe bol'she, nastroyka mne ne trebeetsa.
  13. Our new translation 764,1 kb This quarter was purchased new translation for the control panel, then we recycle. Unfortunately at this time will be provided for a fee.
  14. After update, at the entrance disappeared choice theme. Enable theme /Interface/Base/Themes.aspx - no result.
  15. Hello, in the file manager there is no button to copy\paste\cut. These functions are in the file manager panel WebMin, they allow you to move files/folders between folders.
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