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  1. Followed the wiki and got the download. Did sudo yum localinstall *.rpm (* is the name of the rpm) Got the result: file / from install of tcadmin-2-bi.noarch conflicts with file from package filesystem-3.2-19.fc20.x86_64 Researching on the web says you should not include filesystems folders in your rpm's as its bad rpm building practices. You need to remove the / folder from the rpm. I just recently moved from windows back to linux for various reasons. Now I can't even install tcadmin -.- I also had problems installing mono from your website due to it referencing an out of date libtiff.so so either this needs to be updated or start including the file in that .rpm however Fedora comes with the latest mono so am not sure if its really needed?!?
  2. Tcadmin does not run on Fedora 20. There are broken libs and problems with the tcadmin rpm please fix this. If you need more info on exactly whats broken let me know. However just try to install it following the steps on the wiki. It never can complete. Really would like to see this working. Since I prefer Fedora for hosting game servers since its more uptodate.
  3. bind works just fine in samp for hosting other servers. No one ever has to use a custom announce to appear on the internet list. How do you think other hosting companies host more than one server?
  4. Was wondering when official support for the games Chivalry and Ravaged Zombie Apocalypse would be added to tcadmin? Seeing that both games have a dedicated server app on steam.
  5. /facepalm Thank you very much its loading fine now. Thanks for this great control panel.
  6. I set the time out to 0 and I still get timeout trying to get the directory. (I restarted the monitored after setting it)
  7. cyber_punk

    FTP Max Files

    I am trying out Tcadmin after trying a boat load of other control panels. So far I am liking tcadmin however I run some san andreas multiplayer servers. One of the servers has an account folder with over 250k files (player accounts) when trying to load this folder from TCA's FTP I get a timeout and the folder fails to load. In other panels we have access to set FTP options, no where do I look do I see any place to set a max file open settings to load a large amount of files with the FTP. How can I make this possible? If I can not I do not see how I could keep tcadmin as a cpanel, which I would like to do. This is what I get from filezilla's log I masked the ip. [Edit] I was informed that it works from the file manager on the tcadmin website but not from a FTP client.
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