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steamcmd stopped working?


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Steam update button has stopped working (tested on 2 different tcadmin setups) all of a sudden, possibly after steamcmd binary update.


I tried updating it manually, same result.


The steam update window only shows server getting stopped/started:


Starting the Steam Update...

****Don't close this window. If you close this window the update will still be executed on the server****



Stopping the game server...

Game server has been stopped.

Starting the game server...

Game server has been started.

The Steam update has completed. You may close this window.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Is you your support paid and up to date?


Aha! Our support HAD expired! But we're all paid up now.


"Check Updates" still says that there are no updates available, though. Could the fact that the update came out while our support was expired confuse it?

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Aha! Our support HAD expired! But we're all paid up now.


"Check Updates" still says that there are no updates available, though. Could the fact that the update came out while our support was expired confuse it?


Please open a support ticket under billing and I can take a look at it.

Most likely the license needs to be manually re-activated.

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