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TCAdmin 2.0.93 now available


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New Features


  • Added game_startup billing api parameter.
  • Added option in virtual server settings to disable the Windows/Linux account. With the account disabled the virtual server will run the services according to the game's run as configuration.
  • Virtual server can be configured with a different datacenter.
  • Custom web proxy IP supports multiple IPs separated by comma.


Bug fixes


  • Fixed error with new steamcmd on Windows.
  • Fixed file manager error with REFS file system.
  • Fixed bug in FTP file list showing 12AM instead of 12PM.
  • Fixed bug when accessing the control panel with IPv6.
  • Replace $[FastDownloadUrl] correctly in custom links.
  • Fixed access denied error when a subadmin sent commands to the billing api.
  • Steam update sometimes showed the steam account's password.

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There's still a problem if updating in some cases. We're running the web server on a Windows server, and the master is a Linux server. When updating, it gives this: Error: Could not find a part of the path "/home/tcadmin/Monitor/C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Backups\/backup-20150817180221.sql". We updated from 2.0.92. :)

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