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Looking for a quick way to add mods


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Hi folks,


One of my customers mentioned that his old hosting provider had a button in their control panel (TCAdmin), which could be used to install mods with just one click. I recall it was something called 'Steam Workshop Mod Manager', but not exactly sure. It was some sort of plugin for TCAdmin, or something they built themselves, so that customers can select a mod, click the install button, the server will download the mod using SteamCMD and install the files to the customer's directory.


I tried Googling it but no luck yet. Does anyone has any idea about what this mod is called? Or someone has it available for download(/sale)?

Oh and yes - I was planning to use it on a ARK Survival-server.




Edit: I forgot to mention that the customer is now using ARKLauncher but that program is pretty buggy and does not run good. I'm not looking for remote tools but something on the server/TCA itself.

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This doesn't seem like a good solution, or I am reading it wrong.


I want a button in the control panel (from customer view) so that if the customer clicks the button, he can enter a Mod ID or scroll through a list with available mods, and once he clicks/enters it, the installation starts. That is what I have seen earlier at another company. Is this possible?

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