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Providers That Offers "TcAdmin Ready" Servers/VPSes?


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Hello, are there such things as "TcAdmin ready" servers and/or VPSes? Such as how there are such things as managed Cpanel/WHM dedicated servers/VPSes ready for providers' usage?


I would like to possibly grab one in order to host a custom game and/or even becomes a full time GSP but without worrying about the panel or the server itself.

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Try TCAdmin themselves :) You can also get a dedicated server from them.


Hmm interesting, so if I would do it that way then it would works like...


1. The hosting panel itself (in this case the master) would be handled by them.

2. Then I would need a "remote" license as well but then my only overhead from here would getting the OS managed on the remote server.


Is that the idea behind going that route? Or I am misunderstanding?

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Yep, they'd do the master control panel and whatnot.

You would need a remote license. Either get it managed or manage yourself.

I'd always opt for yourself to reduce any response time if necessary, but that's me.


Nice, that's an indeed interesting approach as you now has to pay for two licenses. But in term you probably saving a but load in management fees. Plus it likely easier to arrange to boot.

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My understanding is that most people actually uses a minimum of 2 licenses since they keep they Master server 'service-free'.


Not at least with Multicraft. They tend to just "bulk up" the master (either running the master's services on a separate drive/RAID setup, or at least bulk up the RAM and/or available processing power) then fire up smaller remote servers as they are needed.


I wouldn't be surprised if some companies do the same here and/or even use a master for the primary node to "save a buck" at start up. Then at a later date expand "out" and then move the services out of their "all in one start up box".

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We did the same. Didn't take me a long time to realise that I'd rather spend a few extra dollars per month.

Sometimes we had a single customer who managed to fuck the entire server up and that made the entire control panel run slow.

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We did the same. Didn't take me a long time to realise that I'd rather spend a few extra dollars per month.

Sometimes we had a single customer who managed to fuck the entire server up and that made the entire control panel run slow.


What's stopping them from bucketing up the remote node then? That's is why there a thing call capacity and resource usage management.


Trust me it sucks when you has to implement more "things" or different protocols but... it better than having 10-20+ customers ringing you up in the early AM right? :)

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What's stopping them from bucketing up the remote node then?

Nothing, really. But using 100% of the CPU or memory on a remote server doesn't affect the entire control panel.


You could have 100 nodes running (1 master, 99 remotes), and it doesn't take much more than 1 service spassing out on the master to affect the experience for every customer using the control panel.

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Nothing, really. But using 100% of the CPU or memory on a remote server doesn't affect the entire control panel.


You could have 100 nodes running (1 master, 99 remotes), and it doesn't take much more than 1 service spassing out on the master to affect the experience for every customer using the control panel.


Exactly and I understand your point. But at the same time if this is a regular issue then it may be worth checking in to come up with preventive means to reduce/get rid of issues. That may still have a impact (even if MUCH less).

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Prevent all you want, it will still happen eventually. And then you'll be responsible for mucking up the experience for every customer regardless what remote they are on.


The idea behind it is to lower the impact so when it does occurs you can A takes actions or at least B limit damages should the impact unable to be addressed right away.


Just because "noisy" neighbors are a thing doesn't means you can't do anything about it to be able to address it right away or at least limit "damages" until you can halt it completely.

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Just to confirm. TCAdmin does NOT rent dedicated servers. We do however offer webhosting for you panel webpages and database.


Just wanted to clarify that our dedicated servers page displays companies (not ours), that offer dedicated servers.


If you plan on running a few servers for a clan or community then putting game services on a Master server would be acceptable.

However... if you plan on hosting and selling game servers to the public we would suggest you keep your Master server game free.


Hope this info helps :)

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