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7 Days 2 Die Config (A17.2 b27 Experimental) - Windows (Linux maybe later)


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Updated to the 7d2d A17.2 stable release.

Last Updated: 2019-03-03 20:45 GMT+1


At the moment there is no Linux setup but it should be fairly simple to convert this setup over to Linux since all scripts are done in IronPython and would only require to change the exe file and the command line options.

I might add it later on, but don't have an Linux box to test it out on.



Feature list:

  • Configuration Files:
    • serveradmin.xml - Only Text Editor. (Configuration Editor is done but disabled since it can overwrite values changed by an admin from ingame)
    • serverconfig.xml - Text Editor and Configuration Editor. The Configuration Editor is set to read values from file so any changes done in text editor will be loaded.
    • webpermissions.xml - Only Text Editor (From predefined mod)

    [*]Mods (A17 Modlets):

    • Allocs Server Fixes - Adds additional server commands to use ingame. Also adds a live map of the world map that have been uncovered by the players.
    • Show Traders on Live Map - Add an option to show traders on the Live map. (Require Allocs Server Fixes modlet)

    [*]Script Features (All in IronPython so it will work on Linux server as well.):

    • Create all folders needed (After Create/Reinstall):
      • Mods - Used for modlets to be installed into.
      • UserData/ServerLogs - All server output logs goes in here
      • UserData/GeneratedWorlds - For all generated worlds
      • SaveGames - For all savegames

      [*]Clear old output logs (Only keep the 20 latest logs)

      [*]Add time stamp to the latest output log once server is shut down.

      [*]On each server start it checks what GameWorld it's using and changing the GameWorld value in the config file + the variable used to store that value. (This is useful and needed for the backup feature to work properly)

      [*]Making sure the server is shutdown correctly by sending the server the correct shutdown command via RCon. (This saves the game correctly as well)

      [*]Button: Backup feature (Max 5 backups stored at all time) that can be setup as a Scheduled Task as well.

      • Option to additionally backup all configuration files
      • Option to additionally backup the RWG World that is used by the savegame
      • Option to additionally backup all mods

      [*]Button: Restore feature to restore an backup.

      [*]Button: Wipe All RWG Worlds.

      [*]Button: Wipe All Savegames.



  1. Download the xml file
  2. Import the xml file as a new template. (Or update an existing one if you already have this config installed)
  3. Jobs Done.



Things to know:

  • If you want to change how many backups that can be stored, then there is a setting at the top of the Backup script called: MAX_BACKUPS
  • If you want to change how many output logs that is saves, to inside the Clear old logs script and change the MAX_LOG_FILES value to what you want. Do note that you need to change it to 1 less than you want it to be since it will clear the old logs at server start so the new output log is not counted into that number.




  • 2019-03-03 20:45 GMT+1
    • Fixed Allocs Server Fixes uninstall error
    • Updated Show Traitors on Live Map mod to inject the change code directly into map.js instead of taking a backup of it and replace it with an prebuilt one. This is to avoid compatibility issues in case Allocs Server Fixes mod updated and we are replacing it with an older version.
    • Updated both mods to IronPython scripts.

    [*]2019-03-01 16:00 GMT+1

    • Steam Settings changed to the a17.2 stable release branch.
    • Icons have been updated to use imgur URL's instead of having to put the icon files inside your theams folder. (7D2D.zip file removed)
    • Fixed the shutdown script so it don't shut the server down when there is a Query Failure Detection while generating a new World. Query Failure Detection have been enabled again and is working.



I think this is it for now.

If you have any problems or questions, just post them in here and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.


Kind regards


7D2D_a17.2 - Windows.xml

Edited by Satis
Update: 2019-03-03 20:45 GMT+1
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It should be extracted to: TCAdmin2/ControlPanel/App_Themes/Default/Images/ControlPanel/MenuIcons/GameHosting
Extract them to TCAdmin2\ControlPanel\User_Themes\1\<theme_id>\Images\ControlPanel\MenuIcons\GameHosting and update the button icons' URLs - that's the correct way to use images :-)



Generating a world takes allot of resources to do and can also take a long time as well so the Query Failure Detection have been disabled so server wont restart while generating a world

You shouldn't disable query failure detection. Just extend the time between each query :-)

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Thanks for the replies :)


Extract them to TCAdmin2\ControlPanel\User_Themes\1\<theme_id>\Images\ControlPanel\MenuIcons\GameHosting and update the button icons' URLs - that's the correct way to use images :-)

First off :p Hello fellow Dane :grin:

Will that work when the icon path have been set to this in the script?


Edit: Doh. just realized that you said to update the icons URLs as well. What would a correct icon url look like then and would that work with the default theme as well?



You shouldn't disable query failure detection. Just extend the time between each query :-)

Yeah I did try that, but my problem is that even that I have turned off the restart service in the first 2-3 query failures, it execute the shutdown script for some reason. Unsure if that's a bug or not.

When I make the biggest map possible it takes about 40-60min and the max Query Interval we can set is 1440 seconds.

I don't know if it's because it fires the "Before stopped" event before checking the Query Failure Detection about what it needs to do.


Hmm is the above is the case, I might have an solution for that but something I will have to test first though.

Edited by Satis
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Will that work when the icon path have been set to this in the script?

Nope - that's why they should be updated ;-)

I think everything in App_Themes will be overwritten when TCAdmin updates IIRC :-)



Yeah I did try that, but my problem is that even that I have turned off the restart service in the first 2-3 query failures, it execute the shutdown script for some reason.

Remember to run 'Update existing services' ;-)

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(From the edit in my last post)

Doh. just realized that you said to update the icons URLs as well. What would a correct icon url look like then and would that work with the default theme as well?



And yeah I always run 'Update existing services' :grin: Learned that the hard way on another setup I did a long time ago that made me redo a setup in the old days :|:

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New version in the first post together with changelog.


Admins, is there a way to change the topic name to: 7 Days 2 Die Config (A17.2 b27 Stable) - Windows

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  • 2 months later...

Any one experiencing port binding issue on a port that is not even allocated to the game server?


The game runs, populates in the game browser, but cannot query it in the steam server browser.


How do we solve the IP issue? should i be allocated to primary IP ?


I need some enlightenment and maybe a few pills since this is giving me a slight headache

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Also for those that are struggling to get this config working with the new update just change the "294420 -beta alpha17.2" to "294420 -beta alpha17.3" in the steam settings by game name/ app id



I hope this proves useful



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Any one experiencing port binding issue on a port that is not even allocated to the game server?


The game runs, populates in the game browser, but cannot query it in the steam server browser.


How do we solve the IP issue? should i be allocated to primary IP ?


I need some enlightenment and maybe a few pills since this is giving me a slight headache


Not sure if it will help, but I know that there had been an issue with LiteNetLib that it was not working as intended in A17 but believe it should have been fixed, but it still might not be.


People I have been talking with also had to enable or disable the SteamNetworking in the config file to get it to work, so try either enabling or disabling that (Cant remember what I set it to by default)

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