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Alexr03.Common is a dependency of this module. Install Alexr03.Common first!


This module is the port of TCAdminCrons that required an external application to be run outside of TCAdmin and required complex setup. This removes that complexity and provides a simple interface to run the application straight from TCAdmin!


  • Automatic Minecraft Game Updates (Provide your clients with the most up to date files straight from the game updates page)
    • Vanilla Updates
    • Bukkit Updates
    • Paper Updates
    • Spigot Updates


  • Login to your TCAdmin and head to the Plugin Repository.
  • Click Modules and click "TCAdminCrons"
  • Click "Install Module"

After the installation is complete you should now see a "Crons" section on the TCAdmin Settings page. Click the buttons under this section to configure the module.

If you find an issue or want something implemented into this. Please create an issue on the github page - https://github.com/Alexr03/TCAdminCronsModule


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  • 5 months later...

I have 2 question



#1 is this the game ID in the the config setup



#2 is the" Extract Path  /"  do i just leave as a / or do i need to add something here. As right now when i click run now it doesn't do anything



thanks for any help



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  • 10 months later...
  • 7 months later...

I have problems downloading Spigot versions, it throws the following error: 

2022-08-12 15:49:13.519 -04:00 [INF] |------------------------|Log Initialised @ 2022-08-12T15:49:13|------------------------|
2022-08-12 15:49:13.537 -04:00 [INF] Running...
2022-08-12 15:49:13.985 -04:00 [FTL] Remote server error: (404) Not found.
2022-08-12 15:49:13.985 -04:00 [INF] |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|


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  • 4 weeks later...

What's New in Version 2.0.6  

  • [Added] Purpur
  • [Fixed] Links to Spigot and Bukkit
    • You will need to manually update the links for existing Spigot and Bukkit updates. Alternatively, you can use this SQL to do it:
      update tc_game_updates set win_filename = replace(win_filename, 'https://serverjars.com/api/fetchJar/bukkit/', 'https://serverjars.com/api/fetchJar/servers/bukkit/');
      update tc_game_updates set win_filename = replace(win_filename, 'https://serverjars.com/api/fetchJar/spigot/', 'https://serverjars.com/api/fetchJar/servers/spigot/');
      update tc_game_updates set lin_filename= replace(lin_filename, 'https://serverjars.com/api/fetchJar/bukkit/', 'https://serverjars.com/api/fetchJar/servers/bukkit/');
      update tc_game_updates set lin_filename= replace(lin_filename, 'https://serverjars.com/api/fetchJar/spigot/', 'h
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  • 1 month later...

Currently getting this error on 2.0.6 with running TCA v2.0.180.4

In attempt to fix I ran the following with no avail:

chown --recursive tcadmin:tcadmin /home/tcadmin
/home/tcadmin/Monitor/monitor-service restart

Error Code:

Application Exception
Access is denied.

Description: HTTP 500.Error processing request.

Details: Non-web exception. Exception origin (name of application or object): TCAdmin.SDK.Web.MVC.
Exception stack trace:
  at TCAdmin.SDK.Web.MVC.Controllers.BaseController.BeginExecuteCore (System.AsyncCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00a03] in <a1938c95d14242ec582843629f87366e>:0 
  at System.Web.Mvc.Controller+<>c.<BeginExecute>b__151_1 (System.AsyncCallback asyncCallback, System.Object callbackState, System.Web.Mvc.Controller controller) [0x00000] in <03c98cfc8623445a8db7b66c6ffa5def>:0 
  at System.Web.Mvc.Async.AsyncResultWrapper+WrappedAsyncVoid`1[TState].CallBeginDelegate (System.AsyncCallback callback, System.Object callbackState) [0x00000] in <03c98cfc8623445a8db7b66c6ffa5def>:0 
  at System.Web.Mvc.Async.AsyncResultWrapper+WrappedAsyncResultBase`1[TResult].Begin (System.AsyncCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Int32 timeout) [0x00018] in <03c98cfc8623445a8db7b66c6ffa5def>:0 
  at System.Web.Mvc.Async.AsyncResultWrapper.Begin[TState] (System.AsyncCallback callback, System.Object callbackState, System.Web.Mvc.Async.BeginInvokeDelegate`1[TState] beginDelegate, System.Web.Mvc.Async.EndInvokeVoidDelegate`1[TState] endDelegate, TState invokeState, System.Object tag, System.Int32 timeout, System.Threading.SynchronizationContext callbackSyncContext) [0x0000d] in <03c98cfc8623445a8db7b66c6ffa5def>:0 
  at System.Web.Mvc.Controller.BeginExecute (System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, System.AsyncCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x0009c] in <03c98cfc8623445a8db7b66c6ffa5def>:0 
  at TCAdmin.SDK.Web.MVC.Controllers.BaseController.BeginExecute (System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, System.AsyncCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00245] in <a1938c95d14242ec582843629f87366e>:0 
  at System.Web.Mvc.Controller.System.Web.Mvc.Async.IAsyncController.BeginExecute (System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, System.AsyncCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <03c98cfc8623445a8db7b66c6ffa5def>:0 
  at System.Web.Mvc.MvcHandler+<>c.<BeginProcessRequest>b__20_0 (System.AsyncCallback asyncCallback, System.Object asyncState, System.Web.Mvc.MvcHandler+ProcessRequestState innerState) [0x0001e] in <03c98cfc8623445a8db7b66c6ffa5def>:0 
  at System.Web.Mvc.Async.AsyncResultWrapper+WrappedAsyncVoid`1[TState].CallBeginDelegate (System.AsyncCallback callback, System.Object callbackState) [0x00000] in <03c98cfc8623445a8db7b66c6ffa5def>:0 
  at System.Web.Mvc.Async.AsyncResultWrapper+WrappedAsyncResultBase`1[TResult].Begin (System.AsyncCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Int32 timeout) [0x00018] in <03c98cfc8623445a8db7b66c6ffa5def>:0 
  at System.Web.Mvc.Async.AsyncResultWrapper.Begin[TState] (System.AsyncCallback callback, System.Object callbackState, System.Web.Mvc.Async.BeginInvokeDelegate`1[TState] beginDelegate, System.Web.Mvc.Async.EndInvokeVoidDelegate`1[TState] endDelegate, TState invokeState, System.Object tag, System.Int32 timeout, System.Threading.SynchronizationContext callbackSyncContext) [0x0000d] in <03c98cfc8623445a8db7b66c6ffa5def>:0 
  at System.Web.Mvc.MvcHandler.BeginProcessRequest (System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext, System.AsyncCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x000a7] in <03c98cfc8623445a8db7b66c6ffa5def>:0 
  at System.Web.Mvc.MvcHandler.BeginProcessRequest (System.Web.HttpContext httpContext, System.AsyncCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00007] in <03c98cfc8623445a8db7b66c6ffa5def>:0 
  at System.Web.Mvc.MvcHandler.System.Web.IHttpAsyncHandler.BeginProcessRequest (System.Web.HttpContext context, System.AsyncCallback cb, System.Object extraData) [0x00000] in <03c98cfc8623445a8db7b66c6ffa5def>:0 
  at System.Web.HttpApplication+<Pipeline>d__225.MoveNext () [0x008d4] in <f7dbaad323864951bdc1eef8ded1a20d>:0 
  at System.Web.HttpApplication.Tick () [0x00000] in <f7dbaad323864951bdc1eef8ded1a20d>:0 


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Could you try uninstalling the module (and make sure that there's no other versions installed) and remove the following files/folders in case they still exist?


Then install the module again.

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18 minutes ago, Dennis said:

Could you try uninstalling the module (and make sure that there's no other versions installed) and remove the following files/folders in case they still exist?

Then install the module again.

Thanks for the quick reply, Dennis.

New error now, which is below.

Application Exception
These columns don't currently have unique values.

Description: HTTP 500.Error processing request.

Details: Non-web exception. Exception origin (name of application or object): System.Data.
Exception stack trace:
  at System.Data.ConstraintCollection.AddUniqueConstraint (System.Data.UniqueConstraint constraint) [0x00044] in <52acaa73b08046a38ea69c89c74e5258>:0 
  at System.Data.ConstraintCollection.Add (System.Data.Constraint constraint, System.Boolean addUniqueWhenAddingForeign) [0x0007b] in <52acaa73b08046a38ea69c89c74e5258>:0 
  at System.Data.ConstraintCollection.Add (System.Data.Constraint constraint) [0x00000] in <52acaa73b08046a38ea69c89c74e5258>:0 
  at System.Data.DataTable.set_PrimaryKey (System.Data.DataColumn[] value) [0x00153] in <52acaa73b08046a38ea69c89c74e5258>:0 
  at TCAdmin.SDK.Objects.ObjectBase.a (System.Data.DataTable& a) [0x00063] in <a02c7262fde14af2d10d81b152eda387>:0 
  at TCAdmin.SDK.Objects.ObjectBase.GetAllRecords (TCAdmin.Interfaces.Database.WhereList where) [0x000bc] in <a02c7262fde14af2d10d81b152eda387>:0 
  at TCAdmin.SDK.Objects.ObjectBase.GetObjectList (TCAdmin.Interfaces.Database.WhereList where) [0x00000] in <a02c7262fde14af2d10d81b152eda387>:0 
  at Alexr03.Common.TCAdmin.Objects.ModuleConfiguration.GetModuleConfiguration (System.String moduleId, System.String configName, System.Type type) [0x00026] in <7690fc68b9b445e4befb6ffd7aa33230>:0 
  at Alexr03.Common.TCAdmin.Logging.LogManager..ctor (System.String application, System.Type type) [0x001b8] in <7690fc68b9b445e4befb6ffd7aa33230>:0 
  at Alexr03.Common.TCAdmin.Logging.LogManager.Create (System.Type type) [0x00007] in <7690fc68b9b445e4befb6ffd7aa33230>:0 
  at TCAdminCrons.TcAdminCronJob..ctor () [0x0000f] in <6e7a8a965033461aba732e811db55f25>:0 
  at TCAdminCrons.Crons.GameUpdates.MinecraftVanillaUpdatesCron..ctor () [0x00000] in <6e7a8a965033461aba732e811db55f25>:0 
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo.InternalInvoke(System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo,object,object[],System.Exception&)
  at System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo.InternalInvoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters, System.Boolean wrapExceptions) [0x00005] in <5dfd69ae4e3b402db546d8ded6fc755e>:0 

I've been having some "unique values" errors on other aspects of the panel that Luis has been handling via support ticket following a database migration on some of the primary tables, but it seems that each table will need to be corrected from here on out in the future whenever a unique values error is detected somewhere. I'm a bit unclear on what the most proper way to correct this is, however. On a side note I'm also experiencing this issue with trying to get the Rust Mod Installer (CustomMods) working again, but was told that's now included by default but I cannot see it anymore.

Back on topic, currently, this is what the structure of the plugin's table (tcmodule_cron_jobs) looks like:


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12 hours ago, Dennis said:

Hmm, I would advise you to create a ticket then. I don't know what could be causing that error.

Could you share the rows in the table? There might be two rows with the same ID.

Yeah, I've got one open presently and Luis is helping out with it.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...
1 hour ago, Jimmy-CS said:

Has anyone found a suitable workaround for ServerJars being offline?

I also second the Forge suggestion. There seems to be no other automated method to pull server versions of various mods right now.

Everyone who is using and relying on TCAdminCrons is struggling for a while now. Besides, no ETA for serverjars yet which is being a serious automation issue for providers.

Edited by conceptr980
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Yeah, I figured as much. I wasn't aware of any solutions to directly replace it.

Alex was nice enough on Discord to provide a site of his that emulates what we had with SJ: https://mcjarfiles.com/

We can use the API links to get the direct latest downloads and label the updates in TCA as "latest" but it doesn't create specific updates automatically within TCA for each version and purge past X releases. Either way, it's a workable solution for now and is better than making our own sites or scripts that pull the latest versions from the various mod vendors.

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