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CZ mods


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I have one client which has a 24/slot cz server. I installed the amxmodx on his server all his admins are set up but when he goes to edit something in the game it tells him he doesnt have admin rights. I've uninstalled the game and mods twice on 2 different servers and he stills get the error. He also gave admin rights to another clan member and he had the same problem. Any help would be grateful.






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There is one common error when adding admins to amxx that many miss. You must add account flags. I am going to guess that you are adding admins by their steamid's. Here is an example:



"STEAM_0:0:250xxx" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "ce"



If you do not have "ce" at the end, the admin will not work. "c" tells amxx that this is a steam id. "e" tells amxx that no password is needed. Make your you have these set, I would bet that is your problem


Regards, Brad

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