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Minecraft Bukkit old version


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Hello. Total noob here.

When i'm installing a Vanilla (java) it does install itselfe as the latest version (1.16.4). However, when i stop the server and install the Bukkit mod and when i start the server, both Minecraft and the bukkit is loaded outdated (1.16.1). I'm guessing there's something wrong with the Bukkit mod. Is it outdated? Updating the server doesn't help either. How do i go about to add the updated bukkit version to TCAdmin/server?

[Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.16.1 (should be 1.16.4?)
[Server thread/INFO]: This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-c3a22e7 (MC: 1.16.1) (Implementing API version 1.16.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (should be 1.16.4?)

Thank you for your time.

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17 minutes ago, Sukkerpups said:

Hello. Total noob here.

When i'm installing a Vanilla (java) it does install itselfe as the latest version (1.16.4). However, when i stop the server and install the Bukkit mod and when i start the server, both Minecraft and the bukkit is loaded outdated (1.16.1). I'm guessing there's something wrong with the Bukkit mod. Is it outdated? Updating the server doesn't help either. How do i go about to add the updated bukkit version to TCAdmin/server?

[Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.16.1 (should be 1.16.4?)
[Server thread/INFO]: This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-c3a22e7 (MC: 1.16.1) (Implementing API version 1.16.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (should be 1.16.4?)

Thank you for your time.

at a guess you could create a script to download the latest or a button that admins can only see and add this 


cd /path/to/buildtools-directory
_JAVA_OPTIONS=-Djdk.net.URLClassPath.disableClassPathURLCheck=true java -jar -Xmx1024M BuildTools.jar --rev $1
cp spigot-$1.jar /path/to/gamefiles/minecraft/TCA.Mods/spigot.jar
cp spigot-$1.jar /path/to/gamefiles/minecraft/TCA.Updates/spigot.jar
cp spigot-$1.jar /path/to/gamefiles/minecraft/TCA.Updates/spigot-$1.jar
cp CraftBukkit/target/craftbukkit-$1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /path/to/gamefiles/minecraft/TCA.Mods/craftbukkit.jar
cp CraftBukkit/target/craftbukkit-$1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /path/to/gamefiles/minecraft/TCA.Updates/craftbukkit.jar
cp CraftBukkit/target/craftbukkit-$1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /path/to/gamefiles/minecraft/TCA.Updates/craftbukkit-$1.jar
cp spigot-$1.jar /path/to/gamefiles/minecraft/spigot.jar
cp CraftBukkit/target/craftbukkit-$1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /path/to/gamefiles/minecraft/craftbukkit.jar

obviously update the lines to the correct locations.. if windows make into a bat file and edit the file accordingly.. hopefully tha will work..

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Yeah i can't comprehend this since i'm not much of a coder or scripter. I'm starting to wonder why i'm using TCAdmin when futures like this should obviously be implemented, specially in a game that is so populair like Minecraft. The manual work in the majority of the games i host is just mindblowing. There are so many "little" things missing. My wallet that is paying for TCAdmin is telling me to scrap the whole deal, go somewhere else where i know that "basic" manual operations like this is being avoided and added as a future. I can see TCAdmin being awesome if you have more than basic scripting/coding experience, but adding extra futures like this, that should be there in the first place is just silly to me, even if i had good coding experience.

This isn't a rant to you, and i appreciate you trying to help me out. But i think i'm done with TCadmin at this point. Thanks once more, and have a great evening.

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Yeah i can't comprehend this since i'm not much of a coder or scripter. I'm starting to wonder why i'm using TCAdmin when futures like this should obviously be implemented, specially in a game that is so populair like Minecraft. The manual work in the majority of the games i host is just mindblowing. There are so many "little" things missing. My wallet that is paying for TCAdmin is telling me to scrap the whole deal, go somewhere else where i know that "basic" manual operations like this is being avoided and added as a future. I can see TCAdmin being awesome if you have more than basic scripting/coding experience, but adding extra futures like this, that should be there in the first place is just silly to me, even if i had good coding experience.

This isn't a rant to you, and i appreciate you trying to help me out. But i think i'm done with TCadmin at this point. Thanks once more, and have a great evening.

Tbf thought buddy. Is everything handed to you on a silver platter. Anything even a server ram direct on a server needs some level of coding work to it. So it’s not hard. I mean I had no knowledge of coding before I started. Now I know loads of languages. And that’s because I learned. With trial and error. I meant there is no panel that just gives you every feature out of the gate. None at all. Believe me. So you will have to learn. I have no problem helping you to a degree. But I have my life to live and my company to run. So time is limited but am more than happy to point you in. The correct locations to help things work for you. I was a novice at TCAdmin. Now I know a lot more than before. I am still learning some things. But that’s the fun learning is half the battle. The other half is putting what you learned into action

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16 minutes ago, numpty said:

Tbf thought buddy. Is everything handed to you on a silver platter. Anything even a server ram direct on a server needs some level of coding work to it. So it’s not hard. I mean I had no knowledge of coding before I started. Now I know loads of languages. And that’s because I learned. With trial and error. I meant there is no panel that just gives you every feature out of the gate. None at all. Believe me. So you will have to learn. I have no problem helping you to a degree. But I have my life to live and my company to run. So time is limited but am more than happy to point you in. The correct locations to help things work for you. I was a novice at TCAdmin. Now I know a lot more than before. I am still learning some things. But that’s the fun learning is half the battle. The other half is putting what you learned into action

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What an obnoxious thing to tell me i want things handed to me on a silver platter?

I'm migrating from a custom control panel i've used for years and that i created with my two bare hands, just because i dind't want to get things handed to me. But iit has becom to much manual work for me and i can't keep up, and the experience i need to make my control panel a viable solution goes behound what i already know.  So i decided to give TCAdmin a go, to get some of the workload i have off my shoulders.

What i have found is that even tho TCAdmin has alot of futures, it requires basically the same manuall work i already have. Sure it can oneklickinstall a few games here and there, but please, don't tell me that TCAdmin the ultimate oneklick control panel that it wants to be.

When someone, no matter the experience has to create a brand new future within a control panel that should already have that future, it's just plain stupid, and if you can't see this yourselfe, then you have been here to long and i would call you a fan boy. I would understand if this had to be done with a game that's not populair and has no playerbase, but when it comes to a populair game like minecraft, i just want to roll my eyes. You know what TCAdmin advertise themselfe as, right? If you do, then you should already know that my "rant" is relevant and has weight to it.
And no thanks, i don't want your help to solve this problem, because you're so full of yourselfe.

Just lock this thread.

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What an obnoxious thing to tell me i want things handed to me on a silver platter?
I'm migrating from a custom control panel i've used for years and that i created with my two bare hands, just because i dind't want to get things handed to me. But iit has becom to much manual work for me and i can't keep up, and the experience i need to make my control panel a viable solution goes behound what i already know.  So i decided to give TCAdmin a go, to get some of the workload i have off my shoulders.
What i have found is that even tho TCAdmin has alot of futures, it requires basically the same manuall work i already have. Sure it can oneklickinstall a few games here and there, but please, don't tell me that TCAdmin the ultimate oneklick control panel that it wants to be.
When someone, no matter the experience has to create a brand new future within a control panel that should already have that future, it's just plain stupid, and if you can't see this yourselfe, then you have been here to long and i would call you a fan boy. I would understand if this had to be done with a game that's not populair and has no playerbase, but when it comes to a populair game like minecraft, i just want to roll my eyes. You know what TCAdmin advertise themselfe as, right? If you do, then you should already know that my "rant" is relevant and has weight to it.
And no thanks, i don't want your help to solve this problem, because you're so full of yourselfe.
Just lock this thread.

I was not trying to be obnoxious I was just saying that nothing made for any panel that’s out there is not completely setup there will be work involved to get it fully working. I mean the config here in this forum. Are made by people out of the goodness of their hears. Some even have hosting companies. But they still offer for free these configs. Like I did also. But still there will be some things that will need doing. For example downloading the correct files. Putting in correct places. Making custom scrips for they’re company/community. See what I mean.

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33 minutes ago, Alexr03 said:


Sorry to hear about those issues. Have you tried the TCAdminCrons module? 

If its setup it will automatically add all Vanilla/Bukkit/Spigot/Paper versions to the mod manager. (Or game updates, I don't entirely remember

Not that one and it looks great. I tried to install the required Alexr03.Common but i recieve "Alexr03.Common cannot be installed as it requires at least TCAdmin You have ". I have updated my TCadmin as well. So yeah, i'm a bit lost at this moment to say atleast.

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32 minutes ago, Alexr03 said:


Yeah you need to update to the TCAdmin pre-beta build. https://help.tcadmin.com/Updating

The commands below will put you on the latest pre-beta build (.15)

"C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor\TCAdminUpdateTool.exe"


Thank you, it's installed atleast ^^. Got two questions tho regarding the crons setup, if you don't mind. Gameid and Extract Path (set to /) Do i need to alter them? Since i'm new to TCAdmin, i'm not sure where i can see Minecraft game ID is located (If that's how it works), and where the extractionpatch should point to.

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5 minutes ago, Alexr03 said:

You will need to change the Game ID, the extract path can be left as `/`

To get the Game ID goto the game config page and its the 1st piece of information shown. preview

Once that is set you can save and run the cron.

Awesome. I think i'm half way there, because running the  cron works on vanilla, snapshot, and spigot. But on Paper and Bukkit i recieve this in the console:

2020-11-16 01:04:19.207 +01:00 [INF] |------------------------|Log Initialised @ 2020-11-16T01:04:19|------------------------|
2020-11-16 01:04:19.282 +01:00 [INF] Disabled in Configuration.
2020-11-16 01:04:45.309 +01:00 [INF] |------------------------|Log Initialised @ 2020-11-16T01:04:45|------------------------|
2020-11-16 01:04:45.375 +01:00 [INF] Disabled in Configuration.
2020-11-16 01:05:58.001 +01:00 [INF] |------------------------|Log Initialised @ 2020-11-16T01:05:58|------------------------|
2020-11-16 01:05:58.089 +01:00 [INF] Disabled in Configuration.
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16 hours ago, Alexr03 said:

Make sure that you enable them and save before you run.

Thank you. This was a life saver and a good workaround. Is there a way redo the changes? I mean, on bukkit i added 15 updates (forgot to change it) and it's a bit to much, and it would be nice to be able to remove some of the updates. I tried changing how many updates i want to get on Bukkit to 5, but it's still 15 updates that shows 🙂 Other then this i appreciate your help!

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Found the bug! I've fixed it in version TCAdminCrons 2.0.3 - Update via the plugin repository.

I haven't added a way to remove the updates from the UI, maybe I should add that.

For now if you want to remove all the mods/updates from the game config you can goto:

Settings > Alexr03.Common > SQL Executor

Enter this SQL query (change the game id):

DELETE FROM tc_game_updates WHERE game_id LIKE '146'

After you delete the game updates you can rerun the crons and it will re-add them with the updated values.

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1 hour ago, Alexr03 said:

Found the bug! I've fixed it in version TCAdminCrons 2.0.3 - Update via the plugin repository.

I haven't added a way to remove the updates from the UI, maybe I should add that.

For now if you want to remove all the mods/updates from the game config you can goto:

Settings > Alexr03.Common > SQL Executor

Enter this SQL query (change the game id):

DELETE FROM tc_game_updates WHERE game_id LIKE '146'

After you delete the game updates you can rerun the crons and it will re-add them with the updated values.

After updating TCAdminCrons and entering the SQL query, i deleted the old one and created a new minecraft server. I Recieve this error on the new Minecraft install:

"Step 2 of 2
Install the latest release
The game update with game id 9 and update id 1 does not exist."

The server did get created, but it can't finnish step two. And the update "button" is gone as well. I tried to run the Bukkit Crons and and added 5 updates. That works. Now when i deleted the server and created a new one, then i didn't recieve the error and the update button is back. It seems that something get's broken on first initial Mincraft server installation before adding the crons to add updates.

I decided to add cron updates anyways in this order: Minecraft Vanilla (which gave me the Snapshot release) > Bukkit Release > (which gave me the Vanilla release) > and paper release (which gave me bukkit release)

So there's something wrong with how they are being shown or installed, because i think it was Vanilla release that actually installs Bukkit, and when i try to install bukkit mod it installs paper. I didn't test the others.

I hope this makes sense, because it doesn't to me 😄




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