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We are not here to take anyones money, ban anyone from our website which I will say again.. We did not, nor would we ever ban someone from our website. He even made a statement on our forums which we replied to as well, letting him know we did not ban him.


If you were to take the time to read the post I linked to in my first reply to this topic, you can clearly see that we are doing all we can to compensate our, and griffinrun customers.


And Defcon, I know your company is one of the oldest, just like VSK/AOWC/GriffinRUN/Etc... I have great respect for your company, and I don't want any bad blood between us. I am not here to cause bad reputation on any other GSP, and I would like to have the same respect to us.


Anyways, this will be one of my final posts here as well, I hope we cleared up some aspects of what everyone was discussing here.


As I was posting this I did a refresh, and to answer your question Jordan, yes they must re-sign up with us (so we can record them on our billing system). We record their downtime easily - All the griffinrun hardware is pretty much offline, and any downtime from 10/28/06 - Now, is the downtime we record (reason being that is when the finalizations of the acquisition of the company were changed over to HypedGaming).


Although we will credit other server downtime (even though we do not have to) we are, and we are willing to. As we already have with several other clients of GriffinRUN.


Anyways, not sure what business this is of yours, but I still replied to it.


Highest Regards,

- Brian Lowell

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I am just going to state facts.


I submitted a ticket before my GR server went down (which i had prepaid for a year).

You (Brian) are the only one that replied to the ticket/tickets with breif statements. I sent you countless emails with no reply from you which I have copies of as well as everything in the tickets.


When i couldn't see your site, before making a nasty accusation, I contacted my isp and they confirmed that i had been blocked. Just to be sure i used two methods (proxy server / anonymizer) and without them it could not be seen. So could you please explain this phenomenon? My neighbor can see your site and i can't, same isp, same path to your site.


So at this point i call KURT (i had been a customer for over 2 years)one of the previous owners of GR. He stated that all customers were in the contract and to pursue the issue.


I gave you two more chances to rectify the situation and did not get a response. In the emails i told you what my plans were if it did not get rectified.


So please tell me how you and all of your "support team " tried to fix my situation.

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We are doing what is stated in our forums (as I posted, and wrote myself).


And I will say this once more, I am the ONLY person that could have blocked you from our website, and I did NOT block you, nor ANYONE from our website. The ONLY possible way you could have been blocked/banned from viewing our entire website is if you somehow tried to hack into it, or use a bot system to attack our website in a negative fashion.


Again, I nor anyone banned you from our website. And I hate to say "anyone" because the only person that could have banned you from our website would have been Myself, and I didn't.


As far as the emails, I respond to almost every email I receive in a positive fashion.. Not sure why I haven't received yours, unless they were directed to my junk inbox. You can once more email me at: b.lowell[at]HypedGaming.com if you wish, and I will make sure I see your email, if not you may use other methods of contact that are listed on our website, which you are not banned from.

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Im not going to turn this topic into a flame ..all i am going to say along with most of my emails i posted (using proxy server/ anonymizer)in the support ticket system refering you to the emails i was sending and had sent.


Basically what im saying is before i was going to take this to a higher power ,i persued all avenues and left no door closed as for a response or help from your company.I am not a child nor is anyone in my group we are all people of buisness.

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Seems like a pretty confusing situation. Never understood the whole Ebay avenue for selling a company.


Most interesting.


-- Hi Rich & Kevin, hope you both had a nice holiday and happy new year.



If you only knew the 1/2 of it. ;)



Thanks for the well wishes Jon, I hope you also had a good holiday :)

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Oh boy. Another innate media clone site.. I'm amazed that people actually pay for those cookie cutter templates.




Lets see.


Change the color and move a few blocks around then charge $600 so you can have a site like 50 other GSP's.. Doesn't anyone do original sites anymore?

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Oh boy. Another innate media clone site.. I'm amazed that people actually pay for those cookie cutter templates.




Lets see.


Change the color and move a few blocks around then charge $600 so you can have a site like 50 other GSP's.. Doesn't anyone do original sites anymore?


Who are you talking to? Innate Media Group is doing our backend coding (and minor graphics design). Again, try to learn your facts before you criticize anyone (King-GFX is the designer of our v2 website.)

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It is http://www.king-gfx.com except he has been so busy making websites for other teams and organizations he has yet had time to sit down and start a website for himself.


If you would like a design through him, the BEST way to contact him is by going to mIRC on GameSurge.net and joining #HGaming, or #Team-mnm. Once you are in the channel, message a user named: king-gfx. If you would like to speak with him directly. If not, you can email him, but there is slight delay in his replies because of the fact he doesn't check his email that often.


Hope that helps.

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