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TCAdmin 2.0.165 now available (stable)


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  • Enabled compression for the SFTP server by default. This can be configured in the server's SFTP tab.
  • [Linux] If "control console input" is checked and screen is installed the service manager will send Ctrl+C to try to stop the process.



  • [Linux] value of game_memory from billing api was not assigned.
  • Fixed error when exporting some game configs.
  • Fixed error when applying theme builder colors.
  • Fixed access denied error when admin updated a reseller's user.
  • Reseller could see all services in the scheduled tasks filter list.
  • Reseller's services menu would disappear after creating a new user.
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Update throws up error. Had to do manually.

Manually has installed .165.0 master and 1 remote. Other remote will not update.

Downloading file...
Extracting file...
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Exception: C:\TCAdmin2\Temp\Upgrade.rar is not RAR archive
   at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ErrObject.Raise(Int32 Number, Object Source, Object Description, Object HelpFile, Object HelpContext)
   at n.a(Int32 a, String b)
   at n.b()
   at n.a()


Solution please.

HHmmmm. Seems to have fixed it now. (I did have an IP running in config for this server that was for another - not sure if that was mucking things up)

LATEST: Monitor.exe kept disappearing - turns out Malwarebytes quaratineed it.


Edited by jungleNZ
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