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TCAdmin 2.0.181 now available (stable)


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  • MVC version of the Workshop browser is included in this update. It's enabled by default but can be disabled in the game's custom mods page.
  • TCAdmin is compatible with Arm64 processors running Ubuntu (except qstat queries, steamcmd, etc).
  • Curse mod installer asks for version to install.
  • Added after process crashed service manager event.
  • When checking for Workshop updates the game monitor now makes 1 api request for each game server instead of 1 for each installed workshop file.


  • User info did not include number of Teamspeak services.
  • Fixed bug that could cause the license info to reset.
  • New task could be started when the service had processing status.
  • Fixed bug downloading files containing & in the name.
  • Fixed bug that could overwrite resource limits set in service settings.
  • Billing API was not disabled when maintenance mode was active.
  • Fixed release date in Plugin Repository.
  • Fixed html names in game server query.
  • Encoding was detected incorrectly if UTF8 characters were after first 1000 bytes.
  • Encoding was not detected automatically when using the config editor.
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