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Retarded Customers


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This is a conversation I had with a customer... it's long but funny as hell

Amazing how ignorant customers can be.


Session Start (sales@evolans.com:-=W.RoadWarrior.T=-): Tue Nov 28 23:10:05 2006

[23:10] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: slow on the updload

[23:10] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: and I have t4 connection

[23:11] EVOLANS.com Sales: I just downloaded a 4.6 mb file at 600+K

[23:11] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: downloads better be faster than this

[23:11] EVOLANS.com Sales: and I'm only on cable

[23:11] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: I am on cable as well, with t4 connection speeds

[23:11] EVOLANS.com Sales: there's no such thing as T4

[23:11] EVOLANS.com Sales: there's T1 and T3

[23:11] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: there is here

[23:12] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: it's relatively new, though

[23:13] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: would have had this uploaded to my server by now

[23:13] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: odd that it's this slow

[23:13] EVOLANS.com Sales: do me a favor and run a speedtest via cle.speakeasy.net

[23:13] EVOLANS.com Sales: post me your up and down results

[23:13] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: should add, would have had it uploaded a long time ago

[23:13] EVOLANS.com Sales: and I'll tell you what it should be

[23:14] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: dslreprots.com

[23:14] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: >?

[23:14] EVOLANS.com Sales: (Link: http://cle.speakeasy.net)http://cle.speakeasy.net

[23:15] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: d/l 3064 kbps

[23:15] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: with upload running at the same timne

[23:15] EVOLANS.com Sales: yea that's your download

[23:15] EVOLANS.com Sales: I want your U/L

[23:15] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: upload is only 925

[23:16] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: but if I were to stop the upload, would be twice as fast, I bet

[23:16] EVOLANS.com Sales: try it

[23:17] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: d/l 3392 and upload 929

[23:17] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: without anything running

[23:20] EVOLANS.com Sales: so yea you're upload is at about 1 Mbps = 128 KBps so it will take you 32 seconds to upload a 4MB file

[23:22] EVOLANS.com Sales: our servers are fine

[23:22] EVOLANS.com Sales: we've pushed out 20MB/s out before

[23:23] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: 20 would suck

[23:23] EVOLANS.com Sales: actually

[23:23] EVOLANS.com Sales: 20 MBps = 160 Mbps

[23:23] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: when I can get 400 kb/s with zftp

[23:23] EVOLANS.com Sales: 400 kb/d downloads

[23:23] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: yup

[23:23] EVOLANS.com Sales: yoru uploads are 1/4'th of that

[23:24] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: takes me about 20 seconds to d/l a map with them

[23:24] EVOLANS.com Sales: please listen carefully

[23:24] EVOLANS.com Sales: a download speed is completely different than an upload speed

[23:24] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: I know

[23:24] EVOLANS.com Sales: which is why your download stats are 3392 and uploads 929

[23:24] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: much slower on the upload

[23:25] EVOLANS.com Sales: You're complaining about uploads to our server

[23:25] EVOLANS.com Sales: there's a reason it's slow

[23:25] EVOLANS.com Sales: because it's an upload

[23:25] EVOLANS.com Sales: when downloading yes, your connection will be faster

[23:25] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: thing is, the d/l is not working

[23:25] EVOLANS.com Sales: once again, if it's a problem it's with your configuration

[23:25] EVOLANS.com Sales: our web server is running just fine

[23:25] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: if I delete the map I want to d/l, it is coming in slow

[23:26] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: need an exact address, then

[23:26] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: for the http

[23:26] EVOLANS.com Sales: I've already given you your exact address

[23:26] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: and I put it in

[23:26] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: and it's not working

[23:26] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: the game always works with etmain as the folder for maps

[23:27] EVOLANS.com Sales: I can't help you any further, please contact someone with experience setting up ET redirects

[23:27] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: and that is what I named the folder for the redirect

[23:27] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: etmain is what the game stores the map files in

[23:28] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: if you can't support this, cancel my subscription and refund my cash

[23:28] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: took over a week to get set up, and not half as easy as zftp

[23:29] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: and now you apparently have no clue

[23:29] EVOLANS.com Sales: for an unsupported game, it's not our duty to setup your redirect for you, we simply provide the services

[23:29] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: so does zftp

[23:30] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: and they support

[23:30] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: I only went with you because of speed rates

[23:30] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: a 100 tick server is good

[23:30] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: and only asked for a re-direct

[23:30] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: my entries are good, I know that

[23:31] EVOLANS.com Sales: Your subscription will be cancelled and your payment refunded

[23:31] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: not new to this, have been running this game for 4 yrs

[23:31] EVOLANS.com Sales: Good day

[23:31] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: thankyou

[23:37] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: would be good if you supported more than 2 Q3 based games, though

[23:37] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: ET is a Q3 based game

[23:37] EVOLANS.com Sales: you're only the 2nd customer to ask about ET

[23:37] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: similar re-direct

[23:38] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: ET has more players than both your current games combined

[23:38] EVOLANS.com Sales: really? we're not a Q3 based host

[23:38] EVOLANS.com Sales: we're a source host

[23:38] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: lol

[23:38] EVOLANS.com Sales: of which has the most player in the world

[23:38] EVOLANS.com Sales: I'm curious where you get your stats

[23:38] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: CS: s is Q3 based

[23:39] EVOLANS.com Sales: Umm no it's not

[23:39] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: it is

[23:39] EVOLANS.com Sales: wow you have no idea what your talking about

[23:39] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: it runs on the Q3 engine

[23:39] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: I do, actually

[23:39] EVOLANS.com Sales: the source engine was coded entirely from scratch by valve

[23:39] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: there is a mod of ET that looks like CS

[23:39] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: and runs of the ET engine

[23:39] EVOLANS.com Sales: you're reffering to the original half life which was based on the Q2 engine

[23:39] EVOLANS.com Sales: yea a mod

[23:39] EVOLANS.com Sales: not the original game

[23:39] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: which is Q3 based

[23:39] EVOLANS.com Sales: do some research

[23:40] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: I have

[23:40] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: I've run servers for several games you do not offer

[23:40] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: including CoD2, also a Q3 based game

[23:41] EVOLANS.com Sales: Yes however

[23:41] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: amongst others


[23:41] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: it is

[23:41] EVOLANS.com Sales: please go post that on the steam forums and see how wrong you are

[23:41] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: stream sucks

[23:41] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: thing is this

[23:41] EVOLANS.com Sales: (Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source_engine)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source_engine

[23:41] EVOLANS.com Sales: Now, go try to convince someone else that you know what you're talking about

[23:42] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: source is based on the CS engine

[23:42] EVOLANS.com Sales: The Source engine (officially the Valve Source Engine) is a 3D game engine developed by Valve Corporation.

[23:42] EVOLANS.com Sales: no

[23:42] EVOLANS.com Sales: CS is on the source engine

[23:42] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: and it runs back to CS everytime

[23:42] EVOLANS.com Sales: wow you are dumb

[23:42] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: nope

[23:42] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: you are, though

[23:42] EVOLANS.com Sales: really

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[23:42] EVOLANS.com Sales: READ THIS

[23:42] EVOLANS.com Sales: The Source engine (officially the Valve Source Engine) is a 3D game engine developed by Valve Corporation.

[23:42] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: and you help run servers?

[23:42] EVOLANS.com Sales: (Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source_engine)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source_engine

[23:43] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: yeah, wiki

[23:43] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: whoopie

[23:43] EVOLANS.com Sales: wikipedia, factually more accurate then encyclopedia britannica

[23:43] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: not even close

[23:44] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: wiki allows ppl to add bullshit to it

[23:44] EVOLANS.com Sales: (Link: http://news.com.com/2100-1038_3-5997332.html)http://news.com.com/2100-1038_3-5997332.html

[23:44] EVOLANS.com Sales: TRY THAT

[23:44] EVOLANS.com Sales: God please do some reaearch before you try to say you know something

[23:44] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: factual stuff requires more than just posting

[23:44] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: how old are you?

[23:44] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: and where from?

[23:44] EVOLANS.com Sales: That's none of your business

[23:45] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: when trying to tell me I don't know something, it becomes my biz

[23:45] EVOLANS.com Sales: haha

[23:45] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: or don't call me out on that

[23:45] EVOLANS.com Sales: you don't know anything about what you're talking about

[23:45] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: been around a while

[23:45] EVOLANS.com Sales: goto your favorite Q3 website

[23:45] EVOLANS.com Sales: And I host games for a living

[23:45] EVOLANS.com Sales: it's my job to know this

[23:45] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: and you suck at it

[23:45] EVOLANS.com Sales: lol

[23:46] EVOLANS.com Sales: goto your favorite q3 website and do me a favor... ask them if source is based on Q3

[23:46] EVOLANS.com Sales: your own people will tell you you're full of it

[23:46] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: chuckles

[23:46] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: no, they won't

[23:46] EVOLANS.com Sales: OMG humor me

[23:46] EVOLANS.com Sales: do it and they'll tell you

[23:46] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: it runs on the q3 engine

[23:46] EVOLANS.com Sales: if I'm wrong I'll give you a year of free hosting

[23:47] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: you will not

[23:47] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: you don't even support my game

[23:47] EVOLANS.com Sales: I bet tomorrow I can get an ET server up and running integrated into our control panel before you get your redirects working

[23:48] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: I have a free re-direct that works, it's just to slow

[23:48] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: was why I ordered a seperate one

[23:48] EVOLANS.com Sales: well perhaps your rate variables are set wrong

[23:48] EVOLANS.com Sales: ever thought about that?

[23:48] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: nope

[23:48] EVOLANS.com Sales: ok

[23:48] EVOLANS.com Sales: whatever

[23:48] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: the server is free, and too busy

[23:48] EVOLANS.com Sales: have a fun time trying to find someone faster

[23:48] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: chuckles, going to zftp

[23:48] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: they are

[23:49] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: ;)

[23:49] EVOLANS.com Sales: good luck

[23:49] EVOLANS.com Sales: you don't listen to support, you insist you're write, and you have no idea what you're talking about

[23:49] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: I do, actually

[23:49] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: and I worked with you for a while

[23:49] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: tried all you suggested

[23:49] EVOLANS.com Sales: Have a good day

[23:50] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: refund me

[23:50] EVOLANS.com Sales: check your email the refund was sent at 11:36

[23:50] EVOLANS.com Sales: Dear REVEL / EVOLANS,



You have sent a full or partial refund to Myron Ens (roadracer_4ever@hotmail.com).

Note to Buyer:


Payment Details


Date Payment Sent: Nov. 21, 2006

Amount: $8.00 USD

Thank you for using PayPal!

The PayPal Team


[23:50] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: and I won't bother with a complaint to your forums or paypal

[23:50] EVOLANS.com Sales: So again I'll say

[23:50] EVOLANS.com Sales: HAVE A GOOD DAY

[23:51] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: lol

[23:51] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: thing is

[23:51] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: 8 bucks

[23:51] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: for a 10 day statement

[23:51] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: nice

[23:51] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: 6 bucks a month

[23:51] EVOLANS.com Sales: yea

[23:51] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: pro-rated

[23:52] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: where did the extra 6 bucks come from?

[23:52] EVOLANS.com Sales: what the hell are you talking about

[23:52] EVOLANS.com Sales: 6 dollars is your monthly subscription

[23:52] EVOLANS.com Sales: the 8$ is the prorated amount for this month and the prepayment for next month

[23:52] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: and based on a pro rated sub

[23:52] EVOLANS.com Sales: learn to understand what prorated is

[23:53] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: should have been 2 bucks, and noted for next month

[23:53] EVOLANS.com Sales: what's 6 + 2?

[23:53] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: I do know what pro-rated is

[23:53] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: next month should have seen the 6 bucks

[23:53] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: ;)

[23:54] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: and your resubscribe date was in 2007?

[23:54] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: should send you your own e-mail

[23:54] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: it was rediculous

[23:54] EVOLANS.com Sales: you paid 2 dollards for the rest of this month which is november and 6 dollars for next month which is december, which if my math is correct $8 dollards which is what you paid. In which case january 2007 would be your renew date

[23:54] EVOLANS.com Sales: tell me where this is difficult to understand?

[23:56] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: you had me on renewal for 11/9.07

[23:56] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: apparently

[23:56] EVOLANS.com Sales: nope we didn't

[23:56] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: according to my email anyways

[23:56] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: and that didn't jive with monthly rates

[23:57] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: anyways, I'm letting this go

[23:57] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: refund intact

[23:57] -=W.RoadWarrior.T=-: can get better service elsewhere

[23:57] EVOLANS.com Sales: good luck

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I would have flipped by this point.


Recent one, someone joined live *SALES* chat asking to be sponsored :-/



Luke: basically, i can get u the banners u need on our website xD if u sponsor us that is

Luke: http://xxxxx/ thats the actuall league section, the rest is just the gaming community

CP-Paul : well, as i say, emailing us is the best way

Luke: but i cba

CP-Paul : oh well

Luke: so there is no chance?

CP-Paul : probably not ..

Luke: ahhh...would there be if i emailed?

CP-Paul : yes

Luke: ok

Luke: and reply time is how long?

CP-Paul : depends if we like the proposal and want more info

Luke Derbyshire : ok, and do you thing u will via us?

CP-Paul : huh?

Luke: do you think you would be interested in our proposal

CP-Paul : depends whats in your email

Luke: okay, and if you r how long will a reply take lol?

CP-Paul : Luke, sorry. dont even bother emailing

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but he didnt give up ...



CP-Paul : Hi there, welcome to Clanplanet support. I'm Paul ... How can I help you?

luke : Question

Ive emailed but one more thing.

CP-Paul : sure

luke : ive emailed, i was wondering though in the email i put about single servers, would it be easier from your side to (if you do sponsor) do a dedi box?

CP-Paul : no

luke : ok

luke : gd

CP-Paul : far too costly

luke : and how long will a reply be

CP-Paul : go away luke

luke : k mate, thanks and cya

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That was funny i got this support email last night and here's my reply to it.




Uhh are you guys retarted?


1st you sent me two emails with two different IPS.


Then none of them even EXIST just a couple of random ips that dont work.


Your FTP information is wrong or useless and does not work.


And you username + password on IE FTP login doesnt work either...


So are you completely messed up? Or are you some Scam ass company?


Id like the correct information mailed to me ASAP and maybe a server that you can actually connect to and modify.



My reply:


1.First off no were not retarded,The first email was an error in setting up your server ip.

2.The ip's do exist you can check game-monitor for the server.

3. The ftp works fine if you use pasv mode Which obviously you dont know how to use.

4. IE is not a supported ftp program use a real one like smartftp,wsftp or cuteftp.

5. No were not a scam company if you would like a full refund I will gladly send it to you.

6. You can log into the control panel and edit or upload most of the files.

7. Next time you have a support question please refrain from using childish language.


customer 2nd reply:


Im using passive mode on Smart FTP and i mean the FTP function that IE will go to when you click on an ftp url. And the problem i am having is that your ip does not connect to anyserver on CSS. Even from the play button on game monitor.


And the links still do not work.. i believe i need a host name?


My last reply:


You can set the host name to what ever you want. First click on the file manager icon in your control panel.You'll have to edit your server.cfg file located in /cstrike/cfg/ folder. The default server name is "CSS Server" . If you need any more help please feel free to ask.


Havnt heard a peep from him since. I almost refunded his money after the small foul word he used. I'm new to the game server hosting but i have quite a few web hosting accounts and i cancel those left and right when they complain there retarded script doesnt work and its my servers fault.



Gotta love these kids that know everything!

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Seem's there is one thing all you hosting providers are forgetting.


I really did not see anything abusive from the clients end, and alot of insulting comments made by the host's. wether you were pointing out there lack of knowledge or you just wanted to feel smarter.


The Job is what it is. They have a problem, you kiss there ass and you fix it. I do not argue with my clients . I appologize, then ask if the problem has been resolved. If the answer is yes I ask if there is anything alse i can do for them. I tell them to have a good day and thank you.


foul or abusive language will get this response.


Please submitt a ticket via the support system in properlly formatted fashion.




There is no place for EGO when dealing with a PAYING client. Even if it's a $5.00 a month client. You offered that 5.00 service with support. So provide it with a smile . LOLOLOL


Only once did a client piss me off over the phone so bad that I actualy told him to "find Another F***ing Host" and then I hung up on him. Guess what? He paid the 125.00 bill the next month and told me he wasnt leaving because my support was so good. LOL

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  HIS-MOTHER said:
Seem's there is one thing all you hosting providers are forgetting.


I really did not see anything abusive from the clients end, and alot of insulting comments made by the host's. wether you were pointing out there lack of knowledge or you just wanted to feel smarter.


The Job is what it is. They have a problem, you kiss there ass and you fix it. I do not argue with my clients . I appologize, then ask if the problem has been resolved. If the answer is yes I ask if there is anything alse i can do for them. I tell them to have a good day and thank you.


foul or abusive language will get this response.


Please submitt a ticket via the support system in properlly formatted fashion.




There is no place for EGO when dealing with a PAYING client. Even if it's a $5.00 a month client. You offered that 5.00 service with support. So provide it with a smile . LOLOLOL


Only once did a client piss me off over the phone so bad that I actualy told him to "find Another F***ing Host" and then I hung up on him. Guess what? He paid the 125.00 bill the next month and told me he wasnt leaving because my support was so good. LOL


You are right and the best way to keep customers is to say: "kissing there behind". I know this i've been in the remodeling industry for 22 years, but there's always gonna be that one person (actually had a few in my time) you cant please or there too ignorant to listen like the problem Chew had.

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I find when you have a customer who just doesnt get it being nice is usually the way, although when they get ratty i find it hard to keep my cool.


Chris phoned a TS customer's mobile for over an hour to explain how to use teamspeak, the guy didnt know much and only spent ?5 /month ... but he was there for many, MANY months!


What does annoy me is peoples lack of common sense. Does any host actually give out "sponsorship" servers to anyone who asks? :-/

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When a customer refuses to listen to my reasoning, or attempt what I'm recommending, I'd rather refund their money due to the fact that I already know they're going to be a problem customer.


In this case, I have no patience for people like that

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Get a toll free number so they can call instead if you want to attract the type of customer that stays around more then 30 days... Or spend all your time on MSN and IRC dealing with what you posted..


Play on the playground and you will attract kids..


I'll add to what Kevin said... "Welcome to the world of game hosting!" Don't let the door hit you on the way out.. ;)

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Back in my GSP days (I thank god they are gone now...), I only had 1 customer that was a total idiot. He ended up having his dad call from Israel because I told him in a support ticket that he did not understand a "Self managed server" and I was refunding his money in total. His dad started throwing around the mention of lawsuit, so I just told him our lawyer's phone number and address, then hung up on him. He called back and was a lot nicer since he saw I couldn't be bullied.


Now, I just wish I could do the same thing to the customers I work for which are dicks to me on the phone. But atleast I get paid better :)

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  • 1 month later...

O god... i got all this to come. I can imagine, i was EXACTLY the same when i was getting products, i wont deny it, i wanted to be right. Lol. I eventually took it in, dosent seem like these people did.


I remember i hosted my first ever server, and it was running fine etc, and something went wrong and he threatened to sue me, i asked him on what grounds and he replied with some made up crap and i couldnt believe my eyes, someone from god knows where was thinking of sueing me because the service wasnt up to his standard. I think it was a late email, and he was apparently in this big company who will sue me or something... i was like... yea right.


Gota love these customers though. :)


Btw, moaning about $8.... get over it.


:) Lovely topic.



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  Stealth said:
I find when you have a customer who just doesnt get it being nice is usually the way, although when they get ratty i find it hard to keep my cool.


Chris phoned a TS customer's mobile for over an hour to explain how to use teamspeak, the guy didnt know much and only spent ?5 /month ... but he was there for many, MANY months!


What does annoy me is peoples lack of common sense. Does any host actually give out "sponsorship" servers to anyone who asks? :-/



I give away a 20 man server and 20 man ts to the top rated clan in cod every month... I am new so I am just trying to get my name out there.

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I recommend nobody sponsors anyone. :)


Do it the old fashioned way and put out a good product.. Giving away servers is the mark of a company that needs customers.. Yes, Velocity you too ;)


99% of the email we get are all the same. Some no name team without a website pleading that they are going to bring us a TON of business if we give them a server..


If I wanted to give away a server I would give it to one of the clans that have been with us for years now not someone that BCC's a mis-spelled email to every GSP in the country..

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You get emails that are BCCed? I get emails addressed to the wrong company - and CCed to everyone else.


I was thinking of created a new website...when mail merge goes wrong.


The reason I suggest you sponsor 5 teams for a year is so you can learn A) if hosting is for you and B) how to solve 75% of the problem

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Sign up with FragnServers as your game service provider and recieve 50% off your first month's service. This offer valid through August 31 2006. New customers only. To get your 50% off, use the coupon code "50off" without the quotes.


I think august has passed :)

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