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Now this is a first on the many 'sponsorship' requests I have received. This is the 1st one that has offered to share their winnings :)


hey. i was just wondering if u guys were looking for a team to sponsor in cod2. My team is ********** we won cal o in s3 in vcod. Now just got back together and looking for a server sponsor. Our leagues we will play in are cal and cevo. we will be very suportive toward *********** and some of our winnings from cevo we will give to u to show we are suportive.. just get back to me about this
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I get about 3 sponsorship requests a day.


The only thing I do, is open it up, look for a URL, check its PR and if its less then 3 close the email.


I get tired of reading emails where people call me:


'mate, dude'


Think sponsorship is spelt like sponcership


I was actually thinking of making a bloopers forum for sponsorship requests


I just scanned my emails for 'sponsorship' and returned a little over 340.


:) I could go crazy.

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