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Control Panel Domain Name Ending With Port?

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Can any one help so i pointed my subdomain to my server to acess the cp on  cp.example.com:8880     how can i make it so it does not require the port to open the tcadmin panel i want it like   cp.example.com         Thanks

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So, sharing for general info.... (sorry for the necro but I noticed the root cause hadn't been addressed here yet)


If you want your website (which is what TCAdmin is to open without adding a port # to the URL ie. my.tcadmin.fake instead of  my.tcadmin.fake:8880

You have to put it on one of two ports, either 443 (if you have a certificate and SSL / https) or 80 (if do not have a certificate).

I believe TCAdmin has a windows only feature to allow you to add your own certificate for SSL and then you configure the "Secure Port" (on init at least) to 443 and your browser will automatically attempt to open the page (https://) my.tcadmin.fake on port 443 silently adding the :433 to the end where you and your users won't see it.

If you are on linux or don't want to change tcadmin's default config your next best option is a proxy. 

You can do this with most web browsers or software tools. Look up the term HTTPS Offloading Proxy (secure https:// with a cert, see below about getting a free cert or buying one form a vendor) or Reverse Proxy (Unsecure http://)


Because it hasn't been mentioned and I always recommend going with a secure option when authentication is involved (https encrypts your passwords http does not) I'll share one of the easier methods I've found with nginx.


Nginx is a web server with fairly simple configuration files and is well documented. It is commonly used for SSL offloading proxies when you  can provide a certificate.

Let's Encrypt is a free certificate authority which provides certificates that can be used by anyone. There are other non-free options which provide more support out there, google Cetificate Authorities to find one that fits your needs.

Cert Bot is a tool from the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) that provides a command line interface to add a Let's Encrypt certificate to your Nginx site configurations and help you keep them renewed.


I won't go into details on how to use or setup anything specific because things  change but hopefully I've used enough keywords to make your googling easier if you choose to set something up.

Edited by techy2493
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