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noobish question

James Bond

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ok...I always wanted to offer gameservers off my webhosting company. Then i saw this tc admin thingy so i was like maybe this is not as hard as i thought , anyways.. i kinda know the people at afgserv.com and they rent a server(s) from a company to host gameservers so i want to do somthing like that. Wheres the best place to find those kinda servers and what should kind of servers should i like for - for good quilty , lag free , dependable. If you people can post links that would be wonderful !



Thanks , James Bond :p

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I'm not sure how busy your web hosting business is but you may want to stop and think about it first. The first thing is do you have the time to keep up to date with the latest games and updates. Then don't forget the gaming world runs on the opposite schedule from the web hosting world. While a single gaming client brings in more revenue then one web hosting, you can only fit a few on each box or you start to run into issues like lag.


Then theres the support issues, I think we get more stupid questions from gaming clients in a month then we do from web hosting ones in a year and it's usually stuff like how do I use a FTP or how do I install this mod. Things that come second nature to most of hear just isn't so for some. Don't get me wrong you do get some clients that know what there doing and you'll never have to support them but the ones that need seem to take a little more time and it's usually well into the evening when you hear from them.

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Good point. gamers schedule for me runs' from around 4-5pm CST to 12-1am Mon-Fri Saturday-don't plan on sleeping from 9am till around 3-4am


Sunday is a toss as you get a mix if your weekday clients and weeekend clients having issues.


Also you having the ability to do the stuff is not the only issue. Teaching your clienets that do not know, having the ability and patience to do this is a must. If you do not teach them you will always be supporting there issues, educating the client makes your life easier and actually makes the client happier because they can mange more for themselves. You will get the occasional client that says I don't want to know just do it. ;) Thats what he pays for eh?


In short. ... Long hours,less sleep,not really a ton of money, alot more work, as close to the restaurant business as you can get without the heat!

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i didnt want a story lol. I know it takes alot of time (no life) , i am dedciated to it, i know how to run servers. I am have tons of money :grin: , damn you with all your questions for me lol. I just wanted to know if any one can suggest where i can find some good servers.

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I am have tons of money :grin:


Well if you have tons of money then I would suggest you build your self a decent dual proc server with a few gigs of ram and colo it to your favorite data center. That will save you the expensive dedicated server rates and you are also to be sure you get what you pay for. You also get to use the purchase of the hard ware as a tax write off :grin:

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Tons of money? Hell take 2 racks, 100meg commit on fiber along with a secondary provider for redundancy. Then grab a Cisco 7000 series router for Full BGP. Build 60 or so Dual CPU servers loaded with 2-4Gb ram in each..



As long as your not skimping and have tons of money, be sure to get Internap as your primary, they are good and expensive.


Thats what I call money to burn... Pocket change gets you a server and a colo ;)

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Tons of money? Hell take 2 racks, 100meg commit on fiber along with a secondary provider for redundancy. Then grab a Cisco 7000 series router for Full BGP. Build 60 or so Dual CPU servers loaded with 2-4Gb ram in each..



As long as your not skimping and have tons of money, be sure to get Internap as your primary, they are good and expensive.


Thats what I call money to burn... Pocket change gets you a server and a colo ;)


Good one. +1 to you.


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The only server I offer is a

Dual Core Dual Xeon 5130,

2GB of ram

250gb sata II 3.0gb/sec


I the following for billing/bandwidth

1 MBPS - 100meg port 239.99

2 MBPS - 100meg port 259.99

Additional bandwidth is 50$/meg

Win2k3 is 15/month


Server includes

Free Hardware replacement

/29 of ips (8 total 5 usable)

server monitoring


Hardware upgrades are available.


Bandwidth is route optimized and fault tolerant.

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wow..... I need around 15 mbps..... I don't believe I could pay the server bill every month :( ....


Thanks a lot for the offer. I will think about it. :)



edit: 1 meg holds around 20 people. I make 2.00 a slot. WIth extra bandwith: I make 40 and it cost 50... So I would have to count on empty servers. Can you possibly charge off of total bandwith used?

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wow..... I need around 15 mbps..... I don't believe I could pay the server bill every month :( ....


Thanks a lot for the offer. I will think about it. :)



edit: 1 meg holds around 20 people. I make 2.00 a slot. WIth extra bandwith: I make 40 and it cost 50... So I would have to count on empty servers.



ok, where did you get the figures you were talking about ?!?!


Ive never seen a game server (non bf2) hit more then a meg and a half and thats loaded down.

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