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Restart game servers


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Remember to set waitForUserAction to false if you run this as a scheduled task




These scripts should be run on the master server since they restart all the game servers on every machine.




Restart all game servers:




<language name="VB" /> 
<waitForUserAction value="true"/> 


Imports System 
Imports TCAdminSDK.Objects

Public Class RestartGameServers
  Public Shared Sub Main() 
     'Get a list of all services
     Dim services() As Service = Service.GetServices() 
     for each s as Service in services 
           If s.CurrentStatus = ServiceStatus.Running Then
               Console.WriteLine("Restarting " & s.ServiceID)
               'Wait a few seconds before restarting the 
               'next service to avoid high loads on server
           End If

     Console.WriteLine("Done. Press any key to continue.") 
  End Sub 
End Class 










Restart all game servers that have a specific game id. Just replace TCXXXXXXXXX with the game id you want to restart



<language name="VB" /> 
<waitForUserAction value="true"/> 


Imports System 
Imports TCAdminSDK.Objects
Public Class RestartGameServers
  Public Shared Sub Main() 
     'Set the game id to restart
     dim GameID as string = "TCXXXXXXXXX"

     'Get a list of all services
     Dim services() As Service = Service.GetServices() 
     for each s as Service in services 
           If s.CurrentStatus = ServiceStatus.Running and s.GameId.Equals(GameID) Then
               Console.WriteLine("Restarting " & s.ServiceID)
               'Wait a few seconds before restarting the 
               'next service to avoid high loads on server
           End If

     Console.WriteLine("Done. Press any key to continue.") 
  End Sub 
End Class 



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Stop only.




<language name="VB" /> 
<waitForUserAction value="true"/> 


Imports System 
Imports TCAdminSDK.Objects

Public Class RestartGameServers
  Public Shared Sub Main() 
     'Get a list of all services
     Dim services() As Service = Service.GetServices() 
     for each s as Service in services 
           If s.CurrentStatus = ServiceStatus.Running Then
           End If

     Console.WriteLine("Done. Press any key to continue.") 
  End Sub 
End Class 








Start only.




<language name="VB" /> 
<waitForUserAction value="true"/> 


Imports System 
Imports TCAdminSDK.Objects

Public Class RestartGameServers
  Public Shared Sub Main() 
     'Get a list of all services
     Dim services() As Service = Service.GetServices() 
     for each s as Service in services 
           If s.StartupType <> TCAdminSDK.Objects.ServiceStartup.Disabled Then
               'next service to avoid high loads on server 
           End If

     Console.WriteLine("Done. Press any key to continue.") 
  End Sub 
End Class 



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I am using the restart script but want to add more game id's




Public Shared Sub Main()


'Set the game id to restart


dim GameID as string = "TCXXXXXXXXX"




Do i just


Public Shared Sub Main()


'Set the game id to restart






or do I have to do a seperate script for each one?

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Setup a seperate script for each one would probably be the best way to do it. That way you can specify different times in the scheduled task as to avoid lagging your servers with a ton of games all resatrting at the same time.



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  • 5 months later...

I see all servers, and all servers on a specific game, but what could I do to just restart 1 specific server which keeps doing wierd things after being up for a long time.




Also where do I run this script from?

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Use the script and change this line:


Dim services() As Service = Service.GetServices()






Dim services() As Service = Service.GetServicesByUserId("YourClientUserId")




Replace YourClientUserId with your client's id.

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  • 3 months later...

i cant seem to get this to run. I know im doing it wrong just dont know what. (first time looking at the scripts for TCAdmin and have no idea!!)


I am looking to get the script to start just the one server. and just have a schedueled task to run it / them.


Trouble is i have copied / pasted the code from the first post and changed the TCService ID, but it then just opens a console box and sais:


An exception occured while compiling the script

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


IS there a specific place i need to run this from? any pointers?



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ye s i know. thats already been edited to the TC game ID, i know it restarts game servers. thats what i want. i was physically sitting in the server at the time and it did not restart. Although i have tried both, the TCAdmin service ID that needs to be in there. should it be the longer or shorter one (shorter one being the one in the blocked out box when editing a server. Longer appearing just above that) and im assuming the script can be run from anywhere on the master server?



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Find the service name for that server in the services list and create two batch files. One for start and one for stop.


Start one would look like this


net start <servicename>



Stop one will look like this


net stop <servicename>


Then you can set 2 windows scheduled tasks. 1 for start and 1 for stop at whatever times you would like.

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do you guys know a quicker method to get the status of all services? im using this code but its very sluggish with ~100 servers


	Dim services() As Service = Service.GetServices() 
		for each s as Service in services 
			If s.ServiceID.Equals( id ) Then
				return  s.CurrentStatus
			end if

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