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<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText">ECF</td></tr><tr><td class="quote">

So for now I have to say the scripting API is the way to go. It allows you to call any TCAdmin function you like. And for those that don't know asp.net maybe we can have LFA code up a low cost integration with certain billing panels :?:





I agree with the comments of if you build in a billing system you will get alot of "unwanted customers". Customers who might just be in the business to ripp of customers and host on crap servers. I started this company with Paul because we enjoy gaming. I think PayPal IPN is a little.. ermm yea simlar to Pen and Paper :confused:




I dont think the way to go is your own billing system.. thats a whole program in its own self. Maybe a simple customer questionaire to generate what customers are using.. Use the top 1 or 2 billing clients. How about a simple onetime fee which includes MB intergration or something along the lines? I just think its something which quite alot of your customers might really want.

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While I think billing integration is a great idea I have to major concerns with it.




1. The overloading the box issue. Everyone is looking for automated setup nowadays. If we were to create any type of integration that would be the first thing smaller GSP would be talking about. An order page is one thing, a full blown ordering/automated setup system is different. There are about 2 billion reasons why or how an automated process could fail. The only way I would feel comfortable with doing it would be forcing everyone to use local file copy. The net is simply too risky when coying files.




2. MB would also be an option, but what happens if they release a new version and change databases and code around and it breaks the TCAdmin API? People would point a finger at us and say fix it. Now they have large problem because they can't take orders, and we are put under the gun to fix it or else. To big a resposibility in my opinion. I don't want to be held responsible for somone not being able to take orders :shock:




We have allready approached Client Exec and got no help. They simply said lease the product and see what you can do with it. So that leaves only a few more we could even contact regarding integration. I suppose MB is an option we will need to think about.

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1. Overloading issue can be solved quite easily, if you have ever looked at the CPanel intergration that has server balencing built in. Ok i can see it would be a tricky formual but at the end of the day not all servers have to setup automatically. So you could say GAME X does not get auto setup... or servers over 20 slots need permission to be installed on a correct server. Anyway with the tcadmin game moved you cant go wrong :razz:




An order page?! You can do amazing things with MB.. If you didnt wish to edit that, a simple pick the package system would do. But at the end of the day if its intergration thats not your job :smile: Copying files? Why not just intergrate it with the master server some how.. If they use the manual/auto install method via TCadmin anyway (so configs are generated, files are copied, installed and the user setup) Basically its just submitting data via the already created setup system. Billing system fills out and submits the form instead of me or the admin with tcadmin access.




2. A small extra yearly fee for updates and support for MB intergration? ModernBill updates.. Just like any script you apply a mod.. If there is a update to the script you have to apply a new updated version of the mod (if required). Thats gonna be any risk with intergration.. Your in the same situation if teamspeak changed everything and your intergration with it somehow broke it. Just a risk really :sad:




Generally because MB has alot of mods etc I dont think they change the API at all or alot. Just because of the ammount of people they would piss off.. :razz: Even so I doubt your clients would update if they knew tcadmin wouldnt work and would more than happily wait until the new intergration update was relased.




Maybe the best option is find a new billing system which is still growing or maybe one which is free via the internet. An Opensource one?! I am sure there is ASP/ASP.net billing systems (ever only looked at PHPbased ones) which would be more than happy help support TCAdmin by intergrating both products.




Its a Win Win situation for all tbh. They do the billing you do the controlpanel. Just an idea :smile:

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I absolutely hear you Chris. But we won't be rushing into it as fast as some people would like. I agree that we run the risk of having programs change stuff on us. But with TS you can allways fire the server up manually if you have to. With an integrated ordering system into MB, if they change something you wouldn't be able to take an order. Not that we wouldn't fix it once we relised what had been changed, but if we are right in the middle of some other feature, I do not want to scurry about trying to fix it and get a patch out before people lynch us :razz:




Maybe I will call MB and chat with them regarding this.




On another note for the linux guys... Once completed it will run on it's own internal webserver. Which means you will not have to have apache running on the server. Everything will be self contained except for the MYSql database.

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<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText">ECF</td></tr><tr><td class="quote">

I absolutely hear you Chris. But we won't be rushing into it as fast as some people would like. I agree that we run the risk of having programs change stuff on us. But with TS you can allways fire the server up manually if you have to. With an integrated ordering system into MB, if they change something you wouldn't be able to take an order.





Thats not a problem.. its not like we are expecting it the next thing anyway :razz: I always assumed intergration into MB was more of a module (setup anyway) which would run once a customer has ordered other than a full on edit of the script.. Just reading it, its an API so its a module. So if it didnt work the only thing which wouldnt work is the intergrated sections and I am near 99% sure if a disable module idea was built in I am sure it would save tears ;)

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<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText">PJueckstock</td></tr><tr><td class="quote">

I can say for sure that the TCAdmin support is absolutely great! And I asked them many questions... and still they are very patient with me. :grin:




I think TCAdmin is the best for many reasons!





I will most deffinately second that! Although "guest" was a little ignorant and rude and obviously didn't know what he wanted in a panel, I was a little surprized that they retaliated back to this "could be" (not that they likely want to be) client in a way that brought them to his level, nevermind in a public forum.




I know they are better than that (it's obvious the guy just got under thier skin a bit), so anyone else reading this wondering if they should buy this product now, trust me, these guys are great, and they will do whatever they can to make it work for you.




As for auto everything... if you took everything away, it would allow the people who know nothing (thinking of someone *cou<guest>gh*) to run thier own game server company without any knowledge of the games themselves. This would in turn eventually give the good knowledgable game server companies a bad name never mind screw more game server customers over in the process.




TCAdmin is worth every penny, and so is thier support, period!





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  • 1 year later...

I'm with the above poster on the automatting allows anyone with a keyboard to start hosting.. Big problem with that is we aren't dealing with webhosting or another easy market.. Game servers break and break often..


We are one of TCAdmin's bigger clients and to be honest have never used the autosetup features mainly because I would rather take the 10 seconds extra to do it manually so the order can be checked out for fraud first but also to keep the techs sharp.. My thinking is any idiot can push a few buttons (as evidenced by some of the hosters today) but there aren't too many hosters that know every game they support inside and out.. We answer dozens of tickets everyday from all different types of hosters and are continually surprised at the lack of knowledge some have with the games they support.. Is it a wonder this industry gets a bad name??


The other thing I really wonder about is are all you guys selling that many servers where everything has to be automatted? The whole point of automation is to save you time not run your business for you.. Please take a moment to contemplate that..


I know it's wonderful to think of a business that runs itself but it's not this business by a long shot unless you have support techs and fraud guards on payroll you need to spend most if not all your time working on it..



To the original poster.. Same applies. There isn't a business in the world that runs itself so what makes you think an internet business is any different? If anything it's much harder since you never close... Concerning the guys at tcadmin and your remarks to them.. I really hope you go to another CP maker and sample their support to see how it's normally done... These guys work their tails off helping each and every customer and non customer that comes through here.. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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I agree 100% with you. I do not have mine autosetup until I verify their order, then the 1 click install is very helpfull :)


And heck no I do not sell enough servers that I NEED it all automated.


I just wish I sold as many game servers and dedicated servers in a month that you do in a day LOL

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hahaha, Your doing fine yourself Doug, Be careful what you wish for.. Many nights I wish it was like the old days when things were alot easier.. ;)




If you research what fraudsters look for you will find many search for sites advertising things like, "Immediate Setup" or "Instant Setup".. This is a big sign to crooks that you don't verify every order so they can use their stolen CC's with little chance of being found..

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Before I make my statement about automated setups, I want to point something out:


What kind of guy doesnt have time to install the game servers but has time to run a GSP... That being said


I use automation, but only because I offer support only 16 hours a day.


In a month or two when we have full time support, it will be turned off.


Automation is perfect for companies who have under 20 machines and need to sleep occasionally. But I will be honest, if I order something online, I dont want to wait :)

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I only used automation on the Voice servers. Since the GSP was part of my main job, but only a small part, when we were getting 10 - 15 Ventrilo orders a day, it was wearing me down to go install them. Finally, after setting it up one weekend for automation, it was much easier to deal with. But Fraud detection was always the hardest part. Stupid, dishonest people really suck.

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I only used automation on the Voice servers. Since the GSP was part of my main job, but only a small part, when we were getting 10 - 15 Ventrilo orders a day, it was wearing me down to go install them. Finally, after setting it up one weekend for automation, it was much easier to deal with. But Fraud detection was always the hardest part. Stupid, dishonest people really suck.


too true! ts and vent is the only automatic setup we use, although we will start for other games that dont use a lot of resources (soldat, halo)



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