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BF2 Deamon


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hi there how do i set this up to run with bf2 does anyone have the config file to do this?

i can get bf2cc running easy but im stuck with this deamon set up as the deamon controls the process.

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It is not really that much different to run the deamon over the standard server. Place the bf2cc files into a directory named 'BF2CC' inside of yout bf2 directory. Change the exec TCA uses to run the server from the bf2_w32ded.exe to bf2ccd.exe.


bf2cc.com has loads of info about configuring bf2cc settings to run a server. Here is a start for you.


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right i got it to load up the deamon fine through tcadmin but it just sits there waiting for someone to clik start so the server will load is there a way to make it auto start the server through the deamon i must admit im a complete newbie with bf servers tbh.

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hi thx for all the info i did look at the cfg file just couldnt see the autostart bit sry well that sorted it for me but just 1 thing is it possible to run 2 instances of daemon ie for 2 different servers on same dedi box cos i keep getting error daemon ip/port in use even though i set it up on different port



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I've noticed that you have had quite a few problems running your servers. Perhaps renting a machine with TCAdmin pre-configured for your game community is in your best interests versus trying to do it alone?


I can recommend quite a few hosts on here.





and of course myself




Any of us can provide a fully functional game panel. However if your looking for BF2 I *HIGHLY* recommend using Hypernia if you want the ability to have ranked servers.

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I've noticed that you have had quite a few problems running your servers. Perhaps renting a machine with TCAdmin pre-configured for your game community is in your best interests versus trying to do it alone?


I can recommend quite a few hosts on here.





and of course myself




Any of us can provide a fully functional game panel. However if your looking for BF2 I *HIGHLY* recommend using Hypernia if you want the ability to have ranked servers.


Nice advert lol he is having his own machine why he should rent it from somone :confused: sorry Steven I didnt want to be rude but your answer was more advert than helping to guy ,sorry one more time if you get me personal



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I'm quite aware it was advertising. Thank you though for letting me know what is already known.


If he is unable of running it even now, perhaps he should look at renting a server. I supplied him with 3 companies that I believe are a step above the rest - and myself.


I don't quite understand what you mean by "sorry one more time if you get me personal" since the English is broken.

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