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BF2 not repsonding

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Hi All,




I updated our panel with the BETA release this evening, and then installed the BF2 1.01 dedicated serverinto the BF2 directory.




I have setup 1 game server using the default config in the thread in the 'TCAdmin Config Files' forum.




Unfortunately when I click to see the status it says 'No results returned'.




The console isn't appearing on the server, but the service is running. I can run it directly from the .exe with no problems

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Try this...




1. Stop the BF2 game.


2. Login to that server and open the services list.


3. Locate the service for that game and double click on it.


4. Click the second tab at the top and where the user account info is change it to your administrator account and login, then save the changes.


5. Start the service and verify it is running correctly.


6. Stop the service.


7. Go back into the service and change the account back to the System account and password and save the changes.


8. Start the service normally.

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Thanks ECF.




This has worked in as much as the Server Status page now dispays correctly in the panel.




However, I cannot see the server in the All Seeing Eye, and I don't have a copy of the game to hand. If you can see it in the list in game that would be a help:




GameConnectors.com TEST #1




The other thing relates to running more than 1 on a server. I notice in your other post that you need to amend the command line, but I didn't think that BF2 had a command line?




Please let me know where and how to go about changing this also.




Many thanks

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There have been a few posts stating different things regarding the multiple games on each server. The only way that I could get 2 to list properly was the method I posted in the other thread. I tried simply adding the server ip to the sv.interfaceip in the serversettings.con file but had no luck with just that. Other people say it works fine with just that. So there is really no common fix that I can see.






To add that to the command line simply create the server as normal, then go into Gaming Services and click on the server which pulls up the server details. Click on the "Service Settings" icon and add the line that I posted to the "Additional Commands" field. Then save the changes and restart. It is a manual change right now, but we will be adding the users file path variable to the database soon which will allow you to enter it directly into the command line for autosetup.

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Can someone tell me if they can see our server in the ingame list....




I don't have a copy of the game to hand. Details above.








ECF,I can't see the server in ASE and I'm not convinced its working properly. Can one of you have a look for me? Should I log a support call for this?

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I checked it here :arrow: http://www.game-monitor.com and came up blank. If there is a problem it is with the game itself or with a config file. Once TCAdmin fires the executable it's basically on it's own.




I would suggest starting it directly from the bf2_win32ded.exe file on your server desktop and make sure you can see it in the list. If not then go back over the config files and see if you missed something.

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Thanks, I can run it from the server itself and it seems to load up correctly and start as I would expect, but I still can'tsee it in the list.




I used the config file from this forum to create the game in the panel, and I've add the interfaceIP and additional part of the commandline for the serversettings.con.




I've checked all other config parameters but I just can't see what is wrong.




Any ideas?




EDIT: Also, when running through the panel. The console doesn'tpop up on the screen like it does when run manually is that right? And I can't figure how the panel can see the server in the status page, but nothing else can??

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You would need the Interact with Desktop checked off in the service settings and be logged in as console to see the game console on the server. Most likely the reason that the panel can see the status is it is drawing from the local IP right on the machine. If you start it on the desktop and still can't see it, the config must be off in some way, or the game is simply being lame.




There are many reports of servers not showing up in the list. A little later I will try connecting to it directly via the IP.

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On your local machine Start>Run and put this in the box...




mstsc -v xx.xx.xx.xx /console




replace the x's with your server IP. It will connect and you can login as you would normally.

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You most likely dont have it set to interact with the desktop. Login to your panel and clcik on that game server then on Service Settings. Check the Interact box and save. It will restart the service and then you should be able to see the console when you login.

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<div class="pre"><pre>sv.serverName "GameConnectors 1"

sv.password ""

sv.internet 1

sv.bandwidthChoke 0

sv.serverIP ""

sv.serverPort 16567

sv.welcomeMessage "Welcome"

sv.punkBuster 1

sv.allowFreeCam 0

sv.allowExternalViews 1

sv.allowNoseCam 1

sv.hitIndicator 1

sv.maxPlayers 16

sv.numPlayersNeededToStart 0

sv.notEnoughPlayersRestartDelay 15

sv.startDelay 15

sv.endDelay 15

sv.spawnTime 15

sv.manDownTime 15

sv.endOfRoundDelay 15

sv.ticketRatio 100

sv.roundsPerMap 3

sv.timeLimit 0

sv.scoreLimit 0

sv.soldierFriendlyFire 100

sv.vehicleFriendlyFire 100

sv.soldierSplashFriendlyFire 100

sv.vehicleSplashFriendlyFire 100

sv.tkPunishEnabled 1

sv.tkNumPunishToKick 3

sv.tkPunishByDefault 0

sv.votingEnabled 1

sv.voteTime 90

sv.minPlayersForVoting 2

sv.gameSpyPort 29900

sv.allowNATNegotiation 0

sv.interfaceIP ""

sv.autoRecord 0

sv.demoIndexURL http://

sv.demoDownloadURL http://

sv.autoDemoHook "adminutils/demo/rotate_demo.exe"

sv.demoQuality 1

sv.adminScript "default"

sv.timeBeforeRestartMap 30

sv.autoBalanceTeam 1

sv.teamRatioPercent 100

sv.voipEnabled 1

sv.voipQuality 3

sv.voipServerRemote 0

sv.voipServerRemoteIP ""

sv.voipServerPort 55125

sv.voipBFClientPort 55123

sv.voipBFServerPort 55124

sv.voipSharedPassword ""

sv.useGlobalRank 1

sv.useGlobalUnlocks 1

sv.sponsorText ""

sv.sponsorLogoURL ""

sv.communityLogoURL ""

sv.radioSpamInterval 6

sv.radioMaxSpamFlagCount 6

sv.radioBlockedDurationTime 30 </pre></div>




or if you mean the panel config:




<div class="pre"><pre><?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>



<NAME>Battlefield 2</NAME>


















<CONTENTS>port = %rconport%

password = %rconpassword%</CONTENTS>

<DESCRIPTION>Contains rcon port and password info</DESCRIPTION>

<DISPLAYNAME>Rcon Configuration File</DISPLAYNAME>





<CONTENTS>sv.serverName "%hostname%"

sv.password "%privatepassword%"

sv.internet 1

sv.bandwidthChoke 0

sv.serverIP "%serverip%"

sv.serverPort %serverport%

sv.welcomeMessage ""

sv.punkBuster 1

sv.allowFreeCam 0

sv.allowExternalViews 1

sv.allowNoseCam 1

sv.hitIndicator 1

sv.maxPlayers %slots%

sv.numPlayersNeededToStart 2

sv.notEnoughPlayersRestartDelay 15

sv.startDelay 15

sv.endDelay 15

sv.spawnTime 15

sv.manDownTime 15

sv.endOfRoundDelay 15

sv.ticketRatio 100

sv.roundsPerMap 3

sv.timeLimit 0

sv.scoreLimit 0

sv.soldierFriendlyFire 100

sv.vehicleFriendlyFire 100

sv.soldierSplashFriendlyFire 100

sv.vehicleSplashFriendlyFire 100

sv.tkPunishEnabled 1

sv.tkNumPunishToKick 3

sv.tkPunishByDefault 0

sv.votingEnabled 1

sv.voteTime 90

sv.minPlayersForVoting 2

sv.gameSpyPort %queryport%

sv.allowNATNegotiation 0

sv.interfaceIP ""

sv.autoRecord 0

sv.demoIndexURL http://

sv.demoDownloadURL http://

sv.autoDemoHook "adminutils/demo/rotate_demo.exe"

sv.demoQuality 1

sv.adminScript "default"

sv.timeBeforeRestartMap 30

sv.autoBalanceTeam 1

sv.teamRatioPercent 100

sv.voipEnabled 1

sv.voipQuality 3

sv.voipServerRemote 0

sv.voipServerRemoteIP ""

sv.voipServerPort 55125

sv.voipBFClientPort 55123

sv.voipBFServerPort 55124

sv.voipSharedPassword ""

sv.useGlobalRank 1

sv.useGlobalUnlocks 1

sv.sponsorText ""

sv.sponsorLogoURL ""

sv.communityLogoURL ""

sv.radioSpamInterval 6

sv.radioMaxSpamFlagCount 6

sv.radioBlockedDurationTime 30


<DESCRIPTION>Contains server config info</DESCRIPTION>








<RCON_COMMAND>exec mapList.list</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Every map on the server has an ID number, which is used for voting to change maps. This command lists those numbers, the map name, game mode and the number of players if specified.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec mapList.list</FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec mapList.configFile</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Used to specify the location of the _mapList.con</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec mapList.configFile <new location for file></FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec mapList.load</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Makes the server reload the _mapList.con</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec mapList.load</FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec mapList.save</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Saves the current map list on the server to the file _mapList.con</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec mapList.save</FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec mapList.mapCount</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Shows the total number of maps in the current map list</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec mapList.mapCount</FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec mapList.currentMap</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Shows the map list ID number of the current map being played</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec mapList.currentMap</FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec mapList.clear</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Clears the current map list. Warning: If there are no maps in the map list when the server starts loading a new map, all clients will be left on the loading screen.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec mapList.clear</FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec mapList.remove</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Removes the map you specify from the map list</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec mapList.remove <map ID number></FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec mapList.append</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Add a new map to the end of the map list. You must specify the map name and the game mode. Number of players is optional, if not specified will default to the current server setting.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec mapList.append <map name> <game mode> [number of players]</FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec admin.listPlayers</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Lists the players connected to the server. This command lists the players ID number, their player name and if the player is remote it also lists the players IP number. The players ID number is also available on the Scoreboard / Manage Tab</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec admin.listPlayers</FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec admin.runNextLevel</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Forces the server to end the round and start the next map in the map list.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec admin.runNextLevel</FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec admin.currentLevel</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Shows the map list ID number for the current map being played. The same as mapList.currentMap.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec admin.currentLevel</FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec admin.nextLevel</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Shows the map list ID number for the next map to be played.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec admin.nextLevel</FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec admin.restartMap</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Restarts the current map.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec admin.restartMap</FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec admin.banPlayer</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Enter the player ID number you would like to ban. Bans the player from this server by using their IP address. Bans are stored as absolute times in banlist.con.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec admin.banPlayer <player ID number> [timeout]</FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec admin.banPlayerKey</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Enter the player ID number you would like to ban. Bans the player from this server by using their CD key hash. You can also specify a time out. See admin.banPlayer for the time out list.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec admin.banPlayerKey <player ID number> [timeout]</FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec admin.addAddressToBa</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Enter the IP number you would like to ban. You can also specify a time out. See admin.banPlayer for the time out list.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec admin.addAddressToBanList <IP address> [timeout]</FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec admin.addKeyToBanLis</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Enter the CD key hash you would like to ban. You can also specify a time out. See admin.banPlayer for the time out list.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec admin.addKeyToBanList <CD key hash> [timeout]</FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec admin.removeAddressF</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Enter the IP address you would like to remove from the ban list.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec admin.removeAddressFromBanList <IP address></FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec admin.removeKeyFromB</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Enter the CD key hash you would like to remove from the ban list.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec admin.removeKeyFromBanList <CD key hash></FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec admin.clearBanList</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Clears all ban lists.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec admin.clearBanList</FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec admin.listBannedAddr</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Displays a list of the currently banned IP addresses.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec admin.listBannedAddresses</FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec admin.listBannedKeys</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Displays a list of the currently banned CD keys.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec admin.listBannedKeys</FULL_COMMAND>






<RCON_COMMAND>exec admin.kickPlayer</RCON_COMMAND>

<DESCRIPTION>Enter the ID number of the player you would like to kick.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>exec admin.kickPlayer <player ID number></FULL_COMMAND>






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