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swat 4 help


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can anyone help me with intergrating swat4 into tca. I basically have it on a manual set up, and thats fine, however I dont know how to stop other players with the admin password from changing the number of player slots on the server. If I could solve that problem I would be set. And any other advice please lay it on me....



thanks in advance..

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I wanted to add one more thing with that...I cant get the dedicated server to showup in the master list. When I try to change the option via the client end of the game, the area for Lan/Internet is greyed out and on Lan....any thoughts?

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Well seeing that I havent gotten any responses form anyone in this community page I thought I would share some of my findings.



An automated setup is NOT going to happen with tcadmin. There is a swat4 config file posted I would use it for tcadmin.


Install swat 4 to your server, and any or all accounts that get set up just copy and paste the files to different folders for each account.


If you want your server to be listed, you must edit the swatguistate.ini file and look for blan=true and make it FALSE


thats about it right now, I have not figured out how to limit the clients from changing the slots...

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the only GSP that I know that may have a automated setup is defcon? however why everyone in this industry wants to be so cut throat I dont know. However as a clansmen Im going to do the best I can to share the info. I highly doubt that a certain GSP will share their configs and knoweledge, however I would completley flabbergasted if they did! until then I will post most of my findings here...





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To answer your question.. For the same reason honda doesn't sit down with suzuki and swap trade secrets. Unlike some providers we aren't in this business as a hobby. This is our full time jobs that we support our families with. Why would I or anyone else in this position share trade secrets on a public message board just so 100 other providers can take food from our dinner table? If you want to offer a certain game I would advise you take time out and learn how to host it just like we and everyone else hosting it had to. If you cannot figure it out I would advise not offering it since most customers expect their provider to know how to fix the products they sell and simply knowing how to set a server up doesn't qualify.



If you really want swat4 to work properly and have it auto install to your server when you click the button I would advise you ditch your current provider since the $$ appears to be wasted and order a server from us and you will have this ability. My knowledge is reserved for our customers not everyone elses here. I hope you understand.

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Quick reply, unfortunately I just own a server box and am not coming across as a GSP. However, thats why Im posting my comments here, to shed a little light on how independant dedicated owners can save time, and not go through the headache that I have been going through. I run a clan and have a great box. To be honest if cortex could adapt all the games I wanted there would be no need for tcadmin, however IM not downing this product, I like it!, and will continue to learnhow to use it and share the knoweledge that I learn. So forgive me if you dont have enough bread on your table, and besides, your post proved my point to begin with....


and besides have you seen your prices, I know exactly what swat 4 consumes on a server....gimme a break!

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command line looks like this


MP-ABomb?ini=Swat4DedicatedServer.ini -multihome=%serverip%



Im past the auto install phase I can do it manually, thats no big deal, the big speed bump Im hitting now is it doesnt query correctly with the assigned ip. It keeps querying on my main ip on the box. in other words lets say I have a server on 12.34.567.890 and I have a server running on 12.34.567.891 with the standard 10480-10483 ports open. In tcadmin when you query .891 it shows everything for .890, and it wont show in the master game list. however .890 works just fine. BUT if I direct IPm connect to .891 everything is as it should be. So I know there is some config wrong with my query I just cant find where....

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I'm not so sure Swat 4 is multihome. I have been search and testing quite a bit and have found no references to people successfully controlling the IP. And from watching the log file whith all sorts of variations to the multihome command it allways binds to the primary IP.


Its possible that swat 4 is another one of those games that changing the port is the only way to get multiple servers on one box.

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maybe yes maybe no, however the server runs fine when you direct ip connect through the swat 4 client end. you can even log in as admin and make changes to whatever you need to do. my speed bump now is trying to get it to query correctly and show up in the master games list...



keep it up, share info and show support, show the "man" he cant keep us down :cool

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show the "man" he cant keep us down :cool


LMAO! I just ordered SWAT 4 to get it working with TCAdmin and help you out. I don't host games/websites/voice to put food on the table so as soon as the game arrives I will get it working and post my TCAdmin config.

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LMAO! I just ordered SWAT 4 to get it working with TCAdmin and help you out. I don't host games/websites/voice to put food on the table so as soon as the game arrives I will get it working and post my TCAdmin config.


Hey thanks! see good people like yourself are the ones I first look at when I need other services! 8)~8-)~<img src=:'>

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Still havent got the server to show in the list besides on the main ip of the box and the default ports. HOWEVER! I did find that the query is all wrong. If you read on this thread you will see where I talked about blan=false. Which puts you in the master list, however you will query something completely differnt unless you go an open your swatdedicatedserver.ini file and do a search for dobeacon and change the option from false to true



stealing your bread one table at a time
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Still havent got the server to show in the list besides on the main ip of the box and the default ports. HOWEVER! I did find that the query is all wrong. If you read on this thread you will see where I talked about blan=false. Which puts you in the master list, however you will query something completely differnt unless you go an open your swatdedicatedserver.ini file and do a search for dobeacon and change the option from false to true


good news. I still have not got my copy yet, should arrive Monday or Tuesday. I will install then upload it and get to work on it for you.

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Even though its not TCadmin related, I did however find another program that will let you have basic start/stop control of the server. And combine that with ftp access, and the ability to edit the server files + a very basic web interface for client end use, it makes for a good tool for a GSP to have (just to reiderate THATS NOT ME). There is a free version of this program and a pro version of this program, and for sheer respect of tcadmin I wont post it here, however, if you want to send me a private message I will share my info....

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