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Insurgency mod


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Hi there all


Am having major issues with this. Basiclaly the spawn points have gone crazy (from start) have posted on the mod forum but to no avail. Am not alone looking there but getting no answer unfortunately


I know its rather cheeky but would anyone mind allowing me to download their rar/zip of their tcadmin install of this game to test it?


Really at a loss


thanks in advance

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I found the majority of people's problems with the mod is the server settings. I had a client tell me that the insurgents and USMC are spawning in the same location. I piddled around the config file and changed some settings, restarted the server and it was fine. This is a working config that I have for insurgency, try this and let me know.



// server name

hostname "Your Insurgency Server Name Here"


// rcon passsword

rcon_password "rconpasswordhere"

ins_forceautoassign 0


// operation

sv_lan 0

sv_region 3


/// If 0, players from team one cannot talk to players in team two over voice

sv_alltalk 0


/// Sets the max difference between amount of players per team

ins_limitteams 2


/// Defines the MOTD Message on the Loading Screen

motdmsg "Welcome to our server!"


/// Toggles whether the Server Allows Spectator Mode

ins_allowspectators 1


/// Defines Friendly-Fire Status and Magnitude

ins_friendlyfire 1


/// Length of Time (in Seconds) for Players to Commune when the Round Ends

ins_endtime 1


/// Toggles if Squads can be changed during a live game

ins_locksquads 0


/// Defines if you can Fire either Always, Never or During Warmup

ins_firetype 1


/// Defines Warm-Up Type

ins_warmuptype 0


/// Warm-Up Time before a Game (in Seconds)

ins_warmuptime 5


/// Length of Time (in Seconds) of each Round

ins_roundtimer 10


/// Defines which Round Timer to Use

/// ins_timertype


/// Defines how Many Rounds Played until the Map Rotates

ins_maxrounds 1


/// Change how Long the Winning Players get to Wander Around

ins_endgametime 10


/// Use IMC Win Conditions

/// ins_winconditions


/// Determines wether or not to use Random Layouts

ins_randomlayout 1


/// Ignore Objective States

ins_objdisable 0


/// Determines whether or not to use Full Death Information

ins_deadinfofull 1


/// Determines whether or not the Score is Frozen

ins_scorefrozen 0


/// When Enabled the Other Teams Score will not be Updated until the End of the Round

ins_maskotherteam 1


/// How Long to Freeze the Player Before the Game Starts

ins_freezetime 5


/// Restricts Spectator Modes

ins_deadcam_modes 0


/// Restricts Spectator Targets

ins_deadcam_targets 1


// TK punish and kick

ins_tkdetect 1

ins_tkpunish 1

ins_tkremove 3


// Team swap. When Restarting and Enabled, Teams will Swap

ins_teamswap 0


// Download handler

sv_allowdownload 1


sv_contact "yourname@youremail"


sv_rcon_log 1

sv_voiceenable 1


// execute ban files

exec banned_user.cfg

exec banned_ip.cfg

exec banned_user.cfg

exec banned.cfg


// get map cycle

exec mapcycle.txt

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I used the config, slightly edited that vetwebhosting placed on here a couple days back.


I have heard some issues over the mod with some customers....Keep in mind, its beta!


and make sure to unzip and edit the configuration files and then rezip for yourself, otherwise you'll have GaloreGameServers splattered everywhere :] Not that I mind..Haha


Goodluck! hope that helps

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