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cs:s & game server automation


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I went and got the xml file for Counter-Strike: Source(xml file) and imported now its showing up as a supported game.




Before posting this take in mind I have read your pdf manuals front to back, even rereading the sections.




I went into


Game Server Automation Selected CS: Source




and it brings up this error:


There are no servers with the game files for CS: Source. To manually create a service click here.




I have the game files in C:\GameInstalls\CSSource folder and there currently all uptodate by steam.




I want to make this all automated so what do i have to do to tell tcadmin where my game files are for this game.




Also right now I'm only running these filez/game servers on the master server.

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Rename the folder you have the game files in to CSS on your server.








The config you downloaded has CSS as the folder name, and you have it named as CSSource. So they do not match. Rename the folder and you should be good to go ;)

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