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CPU usage


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I have a client that has a bad map in their CSS rotation. When it gets to this map the server just locks up and runs that core at 100% consistently. I have TCAdmin server priority set at below normal but it still does this. To fix the problem I just removed half of his map rotation and told him to find the offending map. My concern is anyone else on that core gets a big dump taken on them because the core is maxed out. Is there anything in TCAdmin that would prevent this single game from eating 100% of a core consistently?

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We use cacti combined with alerts sent to me and my tech's phones/pda's whenever cpu usage is above our set threshold, then we can immediately look into the issue. I don't believe TCA has anything built in to surrender the stuck process...That wouldn't fix the issue, so I wouldn't recommend it anywho, best to do those in person imo.



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