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Adding RCON Commands


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I've been trying to add some RCON commands for the game FarCry.

I've gone into "System Settings\Supported Games\FC Details\RCON Commands" and added 2 commands in there, but in an existing FarCry Server, the commands do not show up. Any ideas?


Many Thanks.

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I must be missing something really obvious perhaps!

I cannot see that as an option with 3 other games I've looked at, which all have working rcon commands available.

Am I doing this the right way?


I go into: "System Settings\Supported Games\FC Details\RCON Commands"

Then I add the commands there.

The only options that I ever see are:



Example command

Is Kick Command (By Player Name)

Is Ban Command (By Player Name)


Am I going about this the wrong way?

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Mystery solved. Farcry does not have Rcon support in TCAdmin. Here is the list of games that do.


RCON Support -Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142, Half-Life, Half-Life 2 and Quake 3 based games have RCON support. Your clients will be able to kick/ban players with the click of a button.

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