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What to expect?


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It seems lately that people do not read the site and end up ordering the software and really have no idea how to use it.


If you DO NOT know how to host a game without the help of a control panel, then DO NOT order. It is as simple as that.


TCAdmin is designed as a tool to help established GSPs manage their time and clients better. It is not a magically software program that will turn someone with no knowlege of game hostign into a game hoster overnight.


I cannot stress enough, that if you do not know how to host the games without a panel, then please do not order. It simply wastes everyone's time, and your money as we will NOT teach you how to host games.


I would advise anyone interested in using our software to grab the 20 day FREE trial.

Trial Request here ---->https://clients.tcadmin.com/cart.php?gid=6

Edited by ECF
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