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Default Config Files question


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I've been trying to create a Config File using the Config Editor.

Headers, Textboxes and Comboboxes are all working fine, but when I try to create an Item Type of "Multiselect (bit flags)" it doesn't seem to like anything that doesn't have a numerical value.


It lets me create it fine, but when the user actually tries to select values in the multiselect field and then save the config file, they get an error: "Input string was not in a correct format".


Is there anyway round this, or can bit flags only be numerical?


What I'm trying to do ultimately, is to create a template file for users to create a shrubbot.cfg file for WolfET. The file has multiple flags you can select, each being an indvidual letter, the final string on a line being something like "aHiCx" for example, the idea being that this could be generated from many letters they can select.

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Right now it only supports numeric values. I can add support for other values in the next update.


Even if it accepted the characters it will not work with shrubbot.cfg because this file gets updated by the game server. The admins and bans are stored in that file. When TCAdmin writes a configuration file it overwrites the existing one with a brand new template. It does not keep any values that were changed manually. This would cause them to lose their admins and bans every time.

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Ok, understood many thanks. If other values are in the next update I'll probably have a stab at writing something for shrubbot anyway.

I realise that shrubbot.cfg is constantly updated by the server, but I think if I made my customers aware of the overwrite when they generate the file, it would still be a useful feature. The vast majority of my customers are ET customers, and when they purchase a server we are always being asked to customize the shrubbot file for them. If they could do it themselves it would be one big headache out the way!


By the way, the campaign creator is brilliant! Great job! I was wondering how it manages to retrieve all the installed map names from the server? Is that a variable or something somewhere which I can reference? I was hoping there might be a way of expanding on this idea with objective and stopwatch cycles as well. Is that possible?


Thanks again

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That's not the question I meant, that was my old question!


What I wanted to know was:

How does the campaign creator retrieve all the installed map names from the server? Is that a variable or something somewhere which I can reference? I was hoping there might be a way of expanding on this idea with objective and stopwatch cycles as well, so that when a customer edits his objective or or stopwatch cycle, that it displays a list of available maps read from what exists in his etmain folder (e.g. the custom maps) like the campaign creator does!

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Ok, understood.

Having an objective cycle and stopwatch cycle creator which functions like the campiagn creator, being able to retrieve a list of .pk3 files from the etmain folder would be very useful. Is this planned in the next release perhaps? If not would you be willing to develop this feature at a cost?

Many thanks.

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