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The scrdsfpsboost File


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  • 3 weeks later...

When srcdsfpsboost is running srcds gets only 512 fps max. On some forumes i read that it's because standart win2003 timer is 2ms, and if it would be 1ms srcds server could hold up to 1000 fps. Is it right? Also i read that there is something with ACPI and if I set win to non-ACPI configuration then i can get 1000fps. What you think all about it?

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yes the maximum you'll achieve on a windows machine is 512FPS.


*ix the timer can be set down to .5 effectively giving you 2000FPS.


There are certain people i've heard suggest they attained higher than 512 on windows with certain modifications. I personally have yet to replicate these with any type of stable results.



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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Problem is which *ix are you useing?

What CPU?

What motherboard?

Easiest solution is from just adjustiing the Hz but that isn't always enough.

It is not allways acomplished the same way, that is why you need to know your way around the *ix you are useing.

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