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Question sabout TCAdmin

Guest Juice

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TcAdmin looks perfect for what i need except for a couple of things. Instead of ordering a server, my plan is to allow customers to buy credits, then use the credits to start servers ect. Is there a way to do that with TCAdmin? Also how exactly does TCAdmin work? Like a customer buys a server from me, do i need to create a user for them myself? Thanks in advance for answering my questions.

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There is not 'credit' or any type of billing system included with TCAdmin. There are a few commercial billing products that do communicate with TCAdmin's API, and these are discussed elsewhere in these forums. But depending on the scale of your business, these are not a necessary requirement. They are a lot of work to get set up and you must have a good working knowledge of these billing products to be able to do this properly.


Without any of the billing products, yes you would create a user for them yourself. Then you would install their game server.


Off hand, I do not know of any specific application that will allow the purchase of 'credits' as you are proposing. That is a novel idea. You would probably have to design and develop something like this yourself.

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Thank you. Where is it possible to get the billing products? Also this website has the idea of what i would like to do. http://www.serverslots.com. I know it is not for sale but i was just curious if it was possible. Thanks for putting up with my questions and for the speedy response.

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The 4 billing systems that have configured modules to communicate with TCAdmin's API are here, http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/forumdisplay.php?f=35 Some may swear by one and swear at another. Again each of these must be configured properly to work effectively with TCAdmin.


The site you posted, appears to be using a custom coded solution. Most anything is possible with coding, as long as you have either the knowledge or the funds to pay someone to do it for you. :)

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