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How many servers can I host?


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Here are my specs:


Microsoft Windows 2003 STD 32 bit SP2

SuperMicro PDSMI+ Intel Pentium DualCore SingleProc Sata [1Proc]

Intel Xeon 3060-Dual Core [2.4GHz]


2x 250GB HDD

1000 (Mbps)


Approximately how many servers could I host using this machine? I know it depends on what games. It would be mostly Source games such as Day of Defeat Source, Counter Strike Source and maybe TF2.


Thanks for any information.

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Thanks for the reply. I am running absolutely nothing but the game servers. If I doubled my ram and went to 4gb, how many more servers would you say that should allow? I am using these for my own clan and a couple friends only, so servers should be empty 60-70% of the time. But if they were all full at the same time, could I expect to run 10 servers on 4GB ? I am only running one at tickrate 100. The rest are defaults.

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Id say 60-100 Active slots, depending on mods and such... By active I mean slot being full.


The machine can handle quite a bit of game instances without falter, obviously the more you add the weaker your stability will be.


4GB is always nice, id recommend it if $ isn't the issue. If it is, its not compeltely necessary.



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