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ok somewhere i am missing something...


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before i bother support wanted to find out what my error is from people who are running the software...


i installed cod4 installed to z:\gameinstalls\cod4

patched the server server runs fine by it self but when i try to use tcadmin it says "There are no game files installed on this server."


i rar'd the files and put them at z:\gameinstalls\ and still nothing



where is my mess up ?

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Your path z:\gameinstalls\cod4



And when TCA installs should look something like this




Did you use TCA to do the install? or did you place it there manually?

Tca does not know where to look unless it installed the game.


TCA Calls and installs from the gameinstalls folder but installs them to the userfiles path.



EDIT.. In addition, in my experience if the files are not in the correct folder TCA will not even offer them to be installed in the game server creation page drop down of available games for the selected server.

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im about to just kill this server load linux and do my dedicated servers that way the way i have been doing them for over a decade


because this is making no sense

the pdf document makes no real help somewhere i have to be missing something


had issues with iis and an amdx64 platform

having issues with tcadmin not finding the games installed like i said somewhere i am missing something and i just dont understand what


on my master server i try and run a server and it says no game files found even tho in my gameinstalls folder there is both the COD4 folder with all the files in it as well as in the gameinstalls folder there in the root of it is COD4.rar


using the COD4.txt file in the game supported import from ECFs post



now i go into tcadmin and it says no game files are found....

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What's this business about rar'ing the files into \gameinstalls\gamename? Is this a new trick?

I've always dumped a fully extracted copy of the game into \gameinstalls\gamename


If you rar or zip them, then only 1 file is FTP'ed out to your remote servers, and is considerably faster than FTP'ing all the small files.

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I need to check with Luis on what he is sending out in the welcome email. The directories.pdf document clearly shows all that directory info that you had a problem with.



I can Help you there ECF as this is a copy of my email I got today! My key and installer DL link removed of course. ;)





Thank you for your order. Your TCAdmin license key has been generated.






- When adding remote servers to this license make sure you type this license key so it is added correctly.









Installation Help:

If using MySql Database (recommended if you plan on having more than 2 remote servers):


If you don't have MySQL installed you can download it at:




If Using Access Database:



If you ordered a TCAdmin Webhosting package please create a support ticket so it can be configured:







Administrator's Guide:



Quick overview of how TCAdmin works:

TCAdmin uses a monitor application. This application is always running on your master and remote servers. This monitor can be running in console mode or as a service. When you first run TCAdmin it is recommended that you run it in console mode to see it everything starts up correctly.


The Control Panel is web based, so you will need IIS installed on your master server or on a separate server.

While configuring TCAdmin you will be prompted to create a website or virtual directory. If you create a website you will access the control panel using http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port. If you create a virtual directory you will access the control panel using http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/directory name, usually tcadmin.



Getting Started:

TCAdmin comes preconfigured with 28 game types (you need to provide the game files). When running the TCAdmin Configuration Tool the directory structure will be created. By default the games folder is located at c:\GameInstalls. The user files is located at c:\UserFiles. What you need to do is place the game files in its own folder in c:\GameInstalls. For example:

The installation files for Counterstrike go in c:\GameInstalls\CS

The installation files for COD go in c:\GameInstalls\COD


Then you can log in to your control panel and create a game server by clicking on "Create a Game and Voice Server" page. When the game server is created the files are copied to c:\UserFiles.


If you want to add support for more games you can configure them yourself or you can find more TCAdmin game configuration files in our forums. You will need to register because this is a hidden forum. The files you find here can be imported into TCAdmin by going to System Settings > Supported Games and click on Import.



How to get the game server files:




Please do not reply to this email. If you are having questions or problems create a support ticket at http://esupport.tcadmin.com/



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You can create zip or RAR files with names matching the game file folder and put them in C:\Gameinstall


Example: CS has a folder like this: C:\Gaminstalls\CS. Take the contents within the CS folder and create a zip or rar called CS.zip or CS.rar and put them in C:\Gameinstalls.


TCAdmin will use the compressed file instead of the full file set. This is used primarily when you are pulling files from your master server to a remote server in another datacenter.

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If everyone read the manual I'm sure most of the questions would be answered :)



Of that I am sure.. There are always unique issues that the manual can't resolve but for the most part all the knowledge you need to become intimate with the aplication is in the book.


If I may quote L. Ron Hubbard. " Read the Book!!" ;)

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Example: CS has a folder like this: C:\Gaminstalls\CS. Take the contents within the CS folder and create a zip or rar called CS.zip or CS.rar and put them in C:\Gameinstalls.


This is a neat trick, great tip!

What happens with the TCA.Mods and TCA.Patches etc though, do you zip those along with the rest of the game files?

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