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Streaming Media server rental


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Well...here I am...lol...last night we did our first race broadcast to the masses.


Am am I glad it wasn't my stuff doing it. but on the 27th it is.


we had 2700 people trying to view the broadcast. the company that did do it was overwhelmed and the stream could not keep up lesson learned.

at one point they were pulling 125GB. where would or could I rent a streaming media server with that kind of band width for 3 hours so our broadcast goes without a hitch? I would like to try and find some-one and then load balance it to one or two of mine for the show.

The broadcast was there but was choppy and laggy...this took all of us by surprise.


Ideas and suggestions...



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Problem is you will never get close to the port-speed rating. What providers do is hook up TONS of machines to a 1000Mbit port, so all of the machines are sharing the bandwidth. Read carefully, they all say this somewhere on their websites.


If other users connected to the same link need bandwidth, expect your stream to take a "crap." (This will happen)


Spend the dollars to do it right. If you figure out how much bandwidth you were using exactly, I can point you in the right direction.

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I have a buddy who runs a site. Just got added to the AA Downloads list and he pushed over 400Mbit steady for around 12 hours on a FDC box. Shared pipe or not it will defineatley hold the load for what your doing unless your looking to tap the whole GigE.


502 Downloads in one day. ;)




That is a VERY unique situation. While I'm glad your friend has had good luck, he is the exception, not the rule. If you're doing anything for-profit (business) you NEED to stay away from FDC.

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While I can't say that FDC is junk, or that you "should stay away" , but I can definately concurr with what Jon is saying. We had a streaming box with unlimited bandwidth in Chicago from redhotservers (sitting on steadfast), and it did fine for the most part but when we needed her to shine she was off feeding the pigs......Definately great for lowlevel shit, but things you want to go off nice and silky smooth your going to have to pay....and by golly, it costs a crapload!


I'm not familar with what you used to stream it, but is there anyway for you to setup a hub and leafs?



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I would tend to disagree with you Jon. Although I would never place a gameserver on there pipe they do have decent prices for say file and webhosting. A PROFIT business for some. The SC site is in a DC in Michigan and the FDC box is a file mirror. I help manage that site for my friend and I have not once seen the network go down or have issues. Actually the only issues I ever saw were hardware and more related to the box specs not being able to handle the calls to it, but the pipe never failed.


Now I have never seen there networks but I have been in quite a few DC's Equinix,LGN,Gigenet,Steadfast's cages,Calpop LA etc.. and theres really noone who pulls a dedicated GigE to someones box unlesss you pay out the nose. Multiple GigE's run through a F5 component to loadbalance I see alot of but never a dedicated run. So almost all is technically shared in some way or another.


The OP was looking for solutions to a issue he was having on a streaming site and IMHO the offers FDC has would fit his needs( Short term sustained high burstabillity). Now you want umetered Dedicated pipe? Multiply there price by say 6. :)


Even Cogent is pricey if you consume enough of it.


BTW.. The file server at FDC is one of there 90.00 a month VPS's. LOL Definately SHARED PIPE and it pushed that speed for 12 hours.


I'm curious. You seem to not like FDC. You have some experiences with them you care to share?

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Of course FDC will never be able to compete with the other providers in terms of performance. But if you think about it, FDC is probably the best provider out there if you want value. I don't think there is any other provider that will let you push 20mbit constantly for $160 without screwing you with overages.


If you have a mission critical site you probably won't go with FDC, but if you just need a box with plenty of bandwidth to screw around on then FDC is perfect.

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