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Default config, command line and rcon commands.




Updated: 02/05/05




<div class="pre"><pre><?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>



<NAME>Halo: Combat Evolved</NAME>










<DEFAULTCMDLINE>-ip %serverip% -port %serverport% -exec init.txt</DEFAULTCMDLINE>

<DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE>-ip %serverip% -port %serverport% %usercmdline%</DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE>

<PRIVATECMDLINE>-ip %serverip% -port %serverport% -exec init.txt</PRIVATECMDLINE>

<PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE>-ip %serverip% -port %serverport% %usercmdline%</PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE>








<DESCRIPTION>Default configuration file executed on game launch.</DESCRIPTION>














<CONTENTS>sv_name "%hostname%"

sv_public 1

sv_maxplayers %slots%

sv_password ""

sv_rcon_password "%rconpassword%"

sv_status 1


sv_mapcycle_timeout 15

sv_mapcycle_add bloodgulch ctf

sv_mapcycle_add timberland "team king"

sv_mapcycle_add damnation "team slayer"

sv_mapcycle_add dangercanyon ctf

sv_mapcycle_add carousel slayer

sv_mapcycle_add gephyrophobia slayer

sv_mapcycle_add infinity "classic rockets"


<DESCRIPTION>Default configuration file executed on game launch.</DESCRIPTION>









<DESCRIPTION>Kick the player with the given name or index out of the game.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>sv_kick "player"</FULL_COMMAND>







<DESCRIPTION>Start a game with the indicated map and game variant. When the game is over, this game will restart itself. This command supersedes any map cycle the server has.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>sv_map [map name] [game variant]</FULL_COMMAND>







<DESCRIPTION>End the currently running game. This will proceed to the next game in the map cycling game entries list.</DESCRIPTION>








<DESCRIPTION>Ban the player with the given name or index.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>sv_ban "player"</FULL_COMMAND>







<DESCRIPTION>Quit Halo PC dedicated server. Server reboots automatically with default settings.</DESCRIPTION>








<DESCRIPTION>Tell you about the command</DESCRIPTION>







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I don't know Halo, but from the looks of it, the slots are handled inside the configuration file


<div class="pre"><pre>sv_maxplayers %slots%</pre></div>


I don't see where it configures the IP.

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for custom gametypes in halo or halo ce.








in the command line set -path "insert relative back to .exe"




for instance, if you the command line was:


"haloded.exe -ip %variable% -port %variable% -path profiles




It would give you something like














upon launching the server for the 1st time it will creat the structure under profiles.




users or clients put custom game types under "profiles/savegames"




on a clients home pc it would be my documents/my games/halo/theircallsign/savegames/




if you do not specify the path even on a dedicated server it uses my documents..... so thats why you must specify it.




hope that makes sense...... feel free to pm me with Q's




Im new to the admin end but I believe if you create the blank folder directory under where it pulls halo's install files that it should do it automatically. Same with maps.




On a side note..... all the ports (server, rcon, query) should be 2302 or whatever port you assign. if you want it running on 2305 the query and rcon etc should be 2305

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Just a note that winscar's variables are not correct. I assume he put them in there for show.




The correct variables are:




%userfilespath% = Path to Users Files


%gameserverroot% = Path to Game Server Root Directory




So the commandline would look something like:


"haloded.exe -ip %serverip% -port %serverport% -path %userfilespath%\profiles



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The Config on this Thread doesnt work properly - for some reason whenever i fire up a server for Halo CE with this Config




The Server is still defaulting to the Main IP on the Box




How do i get Halo to run on a Assigned IP




my Command line looks like this right now




-ip %serverip% -port %serverport% -exec init.txt




i assumed the -ip command would work - but it seems that it doesnt for some reason




any ideas??




Jonathan From Ajservers.com

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oh ur kidding lol




ok no biggie just set diff ports




---- Next Question is




Can u assign Max Players - in the Command line




something like ehh




-port 2301 -maxplayers 12 -exec init.txt




does anyone know for sure??






-- Now TCadmin wont even Start Halo




here are my settings




Halo is assigned to the Main ip of this machine in TCAdmin - and I have my command line like this




C:/UserFiles/JonHALO/haloded.exe -port 2301 -exec init.txt




this way it sets the Halo port to 2301




but however it Wont Run -- TCAdmin of course says its running but no Server Monitors Can pick it up




and they will pick it up when i launch it from a shortcut on the actual Server Box -- so Something in the link between TC and Box is off




any help is appreciated





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Remember the configs posting here come from various sources, not just us. So it could be that there is a problem with it somewhere.




Easiest way to check for problems is to do the following:




1. Install a Halo Server


2. Click on it in the panel and goto "Service Settings"


3. Click the "preview" button on the right hand side of the page. This displays the commandline that will be used at the top of the page.


4. Copy the commandline and then login to your servers desktop. Click start>run and paste the commandline in the field. Hit enter, and the game should be started right on the dektop.


5. Check for errors etc..



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Did all that -- The Game starts 100% Fine from Desktop with command line etc.. correct ports and all




I am not even using the Config from this Thread anymore - i added my own this time




and still TCAdmin isnt working




TCAdmin is Launching haloded.exe - BUT its not registering the server at all




Server Monitors wont even pick it up




the ip in TCAdmin is set to the Master IP of the Server itself as well -- so all should be good




its weird im not sure whats wrong




-- if i start it with the EXACT Same settings as i have in tcAdmin from the Desktop it works perfectly




anymore ideas??





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