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Integrated login from another web app


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Extract the attached file to your TCAdmin Web folder and redirect the user to this page from your website with these parameters:





userid: The tcadmin user id


md5pass: The MD5 hash for the user's password. You can get this value from the tcadmin database in TC_USERS.MD5_PASSWORD


remember: This value is optional. Set the value to 1 to use the "remember me" login option.


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If you have give your customers a login to your website they can log in to TCAdmin automatically. For example:


- The user logs in to your website

- They click on the tcadmin control panel link

- The coding in this page takes the user's email and looks for the user id and md5 password in the tcadmin database.


- With this information you can redirect them to the md5login page for the automatic login.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah I noticed ECF ;).


I have just choosen the 'easy' way for now. Integrate the design as template into the panel. (the way around)


I quite like our current set up. One 'basic' interface on our own control panel at the website (basic start/stop/restart, overview, filemanager using Curl and the SDK) and one 'expert' interface just using the login method of LFA auto logging in fetching the userid and md5pass from the tcadmin DB assigned to that customer and being the panel itself. :)


I love TCAdmin.

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Hello LFA,


How can I integrate this into my website with Curl?

It seems to not accept the sessions properly.


If you create a TCAdmin session and logout in every custom script you should not have any problems with curl sessions.

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  • 6 months later...

here if you guys want it to redirect back to a page with a result, instead of leaving a white page here is the code.



Dim userid As String = Request.QueryString("userid")

Dim md5pass As String = Request.QueryString("md5pass")

Dim remember As Boolean = False

Dim user As New TCAdminSDK.Objects.User


If Not Request.QueryString("remember") Is Nothing Then

remember = Request.QueryString("remember").Equals("1")

End If


user.UserID = userid

If user.Find Then

If user.MD5Password.Equals(md5pass) Then

Dim sesssion As New TCAdminSDK.Web.Session

Dim userpass As String = TCAdminBase.Encryption.DecryptString128Bit(user.Password)

If sesssion.LogOn(user.UserID, userpass) Then

If remember Then

Dim uCookie As HttpCookie = New HttpCookie("TCAdminUserID", user.UserID)

Dim pCookie As HttpCookie = New HttpCookie("TCAdminUserPassword", TCAdminBase.Encryption.EncryptString128Bit(userpass, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress()))

uCookie.Expires = Now.AddDays(15)

pCookie.Expires = Now.AddDays(15)



End If




Response.Write("Could not create session.")

End If




End If



here is an example of its use, https:

//www.an-servers.com/index.php as a non error, and here is with error, http://www.an-servers.com/index.php?error=1


of course you need a script to look at the result error=1


anyway, i am making a script to multi login for whmcs, tcadmin, and another control panel

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  • 2 years later...
Extract the attached file to your TCAdmin Web folder and redirect the user to this page from your website with these parameters:





userid: The tcadmin user id


md5pass: The MD5 hash for the user's password. You can get this value from the tcadmin database in TC_USERS.MD5_PASSWORD


remember: This value is optional. Set the value to 1 to use the "remember me" login option.


I tried this but i keep getting a incorrect password.


I have followed this step by step. What am i doing wrong?



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