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Garry's Mod Server


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I take the GMod config in the TCADmin Config Files and when I try to create a Garry's Mod game server that send me an email with the subject : Error while creating the game server and in the message that's say :

GSAutomation.Processes.CreateGameServer: Game does not have any default config files configured.

Server: XXX

Owner: XXX


So how can I fix that ?



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I take a screen of my Garry's Mod directory and that look like :


Game Directory :



OrangeBox Directory :



My Applications Settings look like :

Application: X:\XXX\XXXX\XXX\XXX\orangebox\srcds.exe

Working Directory: X:\XXX\XXXX\XXX\XXX\

Game Root Directory: X:\XXX\XXXX\XXX\XXX\orangebox\

User Files Directory: X:\XXX\XXXX\XXX\XXX\

Force Path for FTP/FileMan: Nothing


My server.cfg file look like :

// server name

hostname "%hostname%"


// rcon passsword

rcon_password "%rconpassword%"


// Server password

sv_password "%privatepassword%"


// server cvars

sbox_maxprops 200

sbox_maxnpcs 7

sbox_maxwheels 4

sbox_maxthrusters 8

sbox_maxbuttons 6

sbox_maxeffects 6

sbox_maxemitters 2

sbox_maxragdolls 4

sbox_maxvehicles 3


sbox_godmode 1

sbox_plpldamage 0


sv_downloadurl ""

net_maxfilesize 64


// execute ban files

exec banned_user.cfg

exec banned_ip.cfg


And my Game Config Files look like that (look the Attach Files).


So what can I do for make it working ? The help of everybody will be really apreaciate.


Thanks for your help.


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Just download clean files, they will be in order and given the mess of yours I wouldn't be surprised if there are messed up files. And trying to resort several hundred files would take forever.

And then if you still want to play several hundred file sort you'll have the sort order for yourself.

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