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Trouble finding server ingame..


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Hello all!


First post here as a TCAdmin licenced user :) My appologies if this is in the wrong place, I have a problem and wasnt sure if it came under the game I'm trying to host or TCAdmin..


Please move if needs be.


Im not new to gamerserver hosting, nor to TCAdmin for that matter, but this one has me totally stumped.


I am trying to host an rFactor Server via TCAdmin.


I have used the rFactor Config files from this thread and pasted in the suggested fix also. I have the correct files all ready to go and TCA creates the gameserver successfully. Next I start the gameserver via the TCA Panel and it reports back as being successfully started. I can see the process running in the taskmanager on my dedi machine.


All my ports have been checked and rechecked and are open and free, yet within rfactor, I see no server.


I even changed the name of the exe file (which had a space, to using an underscore rather than the space, but with no change, I changed it back again).


Any thoughts welcomed.


Thanks in advance.




Update.. Occationally when the server list is updated, the server shows, but once clicked to join, reports "join timed out" and returns to the lobby.


Im just not sure what else to test/change.. something inside TCAdmin perhaps? I dont know.



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So, now im back :) or should that be :( or more :confused:!


Now, I can confirm that the server works via the dedi (physically clicking the dedi server and opening it. I can see the server ingame and join to it fine).


But when I create a server and lanuch it via tcadmin, I can see the process run, but 95% of the times I cannot see the server ingame. The other 5% when I click to join, times out as first reported.


Sorry for the bother, I think ive confused myself enough for one day, again, any thoughts appreciated!



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I am going to move this to to the game server help forum, as RFActor is not an officially support game under our list. I do know however that people do run it under our software. Maybe one of the racing gurus here can give you a hand with it.

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Well yes, that was the hope, hence the posting here. Im not sure however, that the issue was regarding the actual rfactor software, which I took into account when I made the originaly opening post. Then later proved by successfully having the software run from the dedi without the use of TCAdmin.


Still hopeful of a solution. Out of sheer interest, why is rFactor not a supported game?

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Try to run it with interact with the desktop in TCAdmin and see what errors it may produce.


Click on the game server's settings and enable Interact with desktop. Then open up your remote desktop connection in /console mode. When you start the game server with TCAdmin you should see any errors or issues.

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