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TCAdmin run on webhosting?


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Am I right in thinking that instead of putting TCAdmin on my main master server, and using up CPU and RAM, I can just put it onto my webhosting account so that it stays seperate? If so, how does this then all link to my master server?




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No because TCAdmin installs software and process .bat/exe during the installation process. Also it will only work on Windows web hosting. The web hosting portion is not very resource intensive. The worst cpu user is the master monitor so doing both the master and the web on the same box will make little difference.

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Depends on the specs of your master server, and games being run. But as said by Vet, compared to the resources of the Master, the web portion tends to be insignificant unless your having tons and tons of visitors to your control panel. And if you are running a GSP then you realy need to invest in a seporate master that doesn't run games (at least for clients).

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