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Install/Uninstall Scripts


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Is there anything special I need to do to have this install script working?


echo %gameserverroot-notrailingslash%>> C:\CreateSMLog.txt
xcopy /EIYQ "C:\Tools\metamod" "%gameserverroot-notrailingslash%\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\metamod"
junction "%gameserverroot-notrailingslash%\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\sourcemod" "C:\Tools\SourceModBase"
attrib +h "%gameserverroot-notrailingslash%\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\sourcemod"
attrib +h "%gameserverroot-notrailingslash%\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\metamod"


When the gameserver installs, the installation hangs at "Setting up game service...". When I kill the CMD process with Task Manager, this error appears in the Monitor console:


Warning: Installation script for <serverdetails> on <ip/port> returned an exit code 1


I'm on Windows 2003 Standard. TCAdmin is the latest version.


Also, all of the scripts I've tried in the Uninstall Script box actually hang TCAdmin when it attempts the deletion of the gameserver. It completes the deletion when I kill the CMD process as above.

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The batch might have a prompt that is preventing it to continue. When it hangs you should be able to see for the generated batch file in the TCAdmin temp folder. Make a copy of the file. Open a command prompt. Change to the game server's folder and run the batch from there. If there is a prompt you should see it there.

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I wrote the above script in a batch file to begin with (debugging and so on). It worked fine there with no prompts. Perhaps one of the programs I'm loading in the script is giving trouble. junction.exe is actually active in Task Manager until I close it along with CMD.




I've done as you suggested, and the command window opens for a split second then closes, as it should do.


I added a pause command to the end to check the output. Everything is setup fine, so I can only assume TCAdmin has some sort of problem with external programs (non-DOS commands) being launched.

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