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UT3 web admin & TCadmin


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I have a question.. Has anybody had any luck with WebAdmin ?? I can get it to work if I start the server with a .bat file but if I start the server with tcadmin it does not work . I cant see what tcadmin does different starting the server. Im using the same command line in both. Any Ideas? and Im using the UT3 config from this site.


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All the software does is start the server with the commands that you specify in the commandline.. After that it is on its own. It sounds like you have a configuration file that is off somewhere. I would check the ini file to make sure you have set the webadmin on and that you have specified a port for it.

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Well thats the whole thing I dont get... Heres whats happening. If I start it with tcadmin it will not work, If I start it with a .bat file it will, they both have the same commandline using all the same files. So what could be different?? thats what Im stumped on..Same ini's same directories, same commandline..So Im lost

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Ok found the problem.. Its the overide default commandline option, Its not working and the default commandline has something wrong with it, Id make a new tcadmin config but I have no idea how to. The way I found the problem is I put my commandline in place of the default in "Admin Home > System Settings > Supported Games > UT3 Details > Default Command Line Settings" and then everything worked just fine . Is there a tutorial on how to make config files anywhere?? :smile:

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The override commandline function works fine. Most likely you attmepted to enter the entire line including the directory and executable, which is not how it works. It allready knows the path and executable.


If you want to create a new copy of the current game config you have goto System Settings>Supported Games, click on the game config and then click the copy button at the bottom of the page. Rename it to whaever you like and make any adjustments to he commandline etc... then save it.

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Ya I know that it knows the directory and executable. And if its working how come it would not overide the default? UT3 is the only game Ive run into that issue with. Dont get me wrong Im not saying TCAdmin doesnt work well, I LOVE IT, I think its the best thing Ive ever used and I will continue to use it. I was just wondering if the UT3 config had something to do with the overide default command line option. I mean can you enable/disable that in the game configs? Because for some odd reason it wasnt working.

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There is no on/off for the override commandline feature. If you check the box and type in what you like, that is what it uses. The only thing I can think of is you are running an older version which hada bug that would not display the line to the admin correctly when you clicked the preview button for it. However the line would still be changed properly and the server would use it.

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So if I put this


server DM-HeatRay?bShouldAdvertise=True?bIsDedicated=True?MaxPlayers=%slots%?NumPublicConnections=%slots%?NumOpenPublicConnections=%slots%?%usercmdline% -multihome=%serverip% -port=%serverport% -log=GameServers.log -queryport=%queryport% -nohomedir -unattended


as Default command line in Admin Home > System Settings > Supported Games > UT3 Details > Default Command Line Settings it should work correct?

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