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How to run custom game types for haloCE


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I cant seem to figure out the command line structure on how to do this. I see there is a -path command line but I not exactly sure what it is expecting. I have found several post where this is asked but I am unclear of the solution. Can anyone please shed some light on this?



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-path is the proper commandline switch if I recall correctly. You will want to use the %userfilesdirectory% variable within TCAdmin as the path for the game config and then any subfolder that the maps may need to go in.


Example: haloded.exe -path %userfilesdirectory%/maps

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-exec halo.txt -ip %serverip% -port %serverport% %usercmdline% %gameserverroot%


In the command line changer create a new command line parameter that looks like this



check off space before and space after

leave equal sign text box empty

deny characters: exe,bat

description: Specify Custom Map Location

check Space After User Input

leave Enclose Quotes unchecked

check User Access

leave User Can Set Value unchecked

Order: 1


This way a person logs in and click on command line changer. Then then put a check box next to the -path parameter and it is set and ready to go. I have 2 clients using it and it works fine.

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Hmm I am still getting an unknown game type. Could you upload a zipped custom game that works for sure so I can make sure its not the customer uploading an non working custom game file? Or could you point me to a location from where I could download a custom game type.



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Well I couldnt find any but Here is an example of what the custom command line looks like now


-exec halo.txt -ip x.x.x.x -port 2301 -path %usercmdline% C:\Games\blah\GameServers\TC86386127222450132547627\


There is a folder called savedgames in the root of the game server files and in there are the following





the customers halo.txt is set to the following


sv_name "server"

sv_public True

sv_maxplayers 12


sv_rcon_password none

sv_mapcycle_timeout 15

sv_mapcycle_add bloodgulch sniperctf



It gives an error of unknown game type. Just from what you can see here is the structure of the command line and the settings in the halo.txt file proper?



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