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Steam updates with Orangebox


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Has anyone noticed sometimes steam updates dont work if you specify the folder name?


I am guessing this is to do with some files outside of the folder need updating.


-command update -game "%gametype%" -dir "%gameserverfolder%"


Is it safe to edit this command line to always not specify the -dir ?

Currently we have to do some of these updates manually via a batch file from within the service name folder.

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Hmm, there must be a simple way round this.


If I do it from a batch file inside the game folder with the following command

HldsUpdateTool.exe -command update -game "garrysmod"


It will work, if I do it with

HldsUpdateTool.exe -command update -game "garrysmod" -dir .

It fails, obviously tcadmin uses the 2nd option.


This only seems to be the case on Garrysmod and TF2, which both use the Orangebox setup.

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