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Cod4 - PB banned server IP


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It seems (not saying you did) but if they detected that it was "cracked" and banned YOUR server IP...it seems that you were probally running the cracked game on the server. Or why would "your client" upload the cracked game when they bought it with legit server files.


The way PB works is if they find that the code has been altered on the client end it will ban that IP...howeverit shouldnt have anything to do with your server ip unless your running those cracked files.

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Probably a torrent download. I have 2 customers who put torrents on their server before getting TCAdmin from me. When I log into remote desktop there is advertisement popups every minute. They are full of viruses/spyware in addition to being illegal and are not worth the trouble.

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Yes this is the problem. I need to protect iw3mp.exe file. I can't discover if server is cracked because i know that the original exe and cracked exe have the same size (right?). Anyway I've discovered cracked server (2 gameservers) because server name was ]tag[ clan CRACKED. Now for these 2 server all the other gameserver are banned.


Now i'm going to protect the exe file. I need to protect only iw3mp.exe right?


P.S. I'm waiting PB to reply my ticket. I've another server IP. Can i add this new IP in to TCA? I'm trying but no results :(

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What XPServers is saying you need to restrict people from uploading .exe files. You do this through the


System Settings >> Plugins >> File Manager >> Restricted Extensions

System Settings >> Plugins >> FTP Server >> Restricted Extensions


There is absolutely no reason to allow a person to upload a .exe file. If a client wishes to upload a file with this extension they should contact you and have you put it on there. Before you do, you should check the hell out of it to make sure this is not a malicious script.


A legit reason to replace the game server .exe is some older quake 3 based games have DoS attack fixes in 3rd party software that replace the original game exe. Besides that I can not think of another logical reason to replace it.

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I think i've done a big mistake disabling exe restriction but now is fixed. I've also others IP. Now, to be sure that i've no more cracked server, i think is better if i reinstall ALL COD4 gameserver. Thank you very very very much for support :) you save me

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Instead of reinstalling the complete server just replace the iw3mp.exe file for every server with a legit one.


Write protecting .exe is crutial. If someone really wants to they can recode a .exe, upload it to your server, restart their server and can cause some serious damage (virusis, trojan's, etc...)

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