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Steadfast + TCAdmin


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TCA has a product offering and its there for the buying to anyone. If a datacenter opened tomorrow and thay offer it thats cool. The GSP knows it going in. But take the planet/layered/SF, companies with a GSP following and then the screw job, thats whats wrong with it.


Again my thoughts thats all.



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Oh how truly unfortunate for those affected. Should be most interesting to see if Steadfast quickly learns the lessons of those before it -- my guess is they are not positioned to support the intensive nature of what they've just jumped in on.


Throws the popcorn in the microwave...

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I love the concept, and its none of my damn business, but imo unfortunately I feel it's just going to produce more mini-gsp born to be dead companies, and 2 month customers requiring a boatload of assistance, as opposed to longstanding and potentially lifelong reboot request, and harddrive replacing customers... doh

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We get game server providers asking us on an almost daily basis for lower cost TCAdmin licenses and that is what we're responding to. This plan is to assist the game server providers, to give them a lower cost of entry, to allow us to provide them additional support, which makes things easier for them, not more difficult.

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Also, if this is all it takes for you to see us as competition, you need a better business plan... We offer colocation and have customers of ours competing with us selling their own dedicated server lines, we have customers with dedicateds selling VPS accounts and shared hosting. Those are all areas where we compete with our customers and we have gotten no complaints.


Here, we aren't even offering individual game server hosting, and we're having non-customers complaining about us competing with our GSP customers... Isn't EVERY dedicated server company competing with their game server customers? The ONLY thing separating a GSP from a dedicated server provider is whether or not they offer a game server control panel?? Certainly you can differentiate yourself by more than that...


Also, as has already been stated. Support will be provided only for TCAdmin itself, not for any specific games, etc. Just as it would operate with any other control panel we offer.

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Oh how truly unfortunate for those affected. Should be most interesting to see if Steadfast quickly learns the lessons of those before it -- my guess is they are not positioned to support the intensive nature of what they've just jumped in on.


Throws the popcorn in the microwave...


As said by someone who runs an actual game server company AND a server provider that hosts GSPs. So you're doing a similar thing to what I'm doing, but you're doing it right and I'm not?


I think the main issue here is that people in general don't like additional competition, period. This is seen as a way for new GSPs to spring up a bit more easily, thus THEY'LL be bigger competition. I don't blame you. I've had similar feelings previously. Just have a solid business model, and it won't matter what the competition does.

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Don't worry Karl these guys over here like to whine and cry alot. I actaully have been refering to this place as the WB (whiners and braggers forums) since as of late thats mostly what you see outside of the actual support forum area.


Rich did however raise a curious question in his post when he stated...


One thing you guys are forgetting about is TCAdmin specifically built the "datacenter version" for use by datacenters so maybe you should speak to them?


Now this would not normally be even looked at closer except for Jasons post in this thread..

http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=3628 Specifically


Open a support ticket with TCAdmin. Give your tcadmin login and remote desktop information in the ticket and I will take a look.


Which indicated he is working for TCADMIN at least in a support capacity? ? But not listed on this staff listings page here




That at least in my book may constitute conflict of interest since TCADMIN maintains that they only support TCADMIN itself.



Ok now I'm going to cook some popcorn and watch . :)

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I believe that is still all they're supporting, TCAdmin itself.


I do find it odd though that yes, the complaint is about me using the specifically offered Data Center edition of TCAdmin, not that TCAdmin has such and edition and encourages it's use as I am using it. TCAdmin is encouraging competition among their users, oh no! :-)

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I believe that is still all they're supporting, TCAdmin itself.


I do find it odd though that yes, the complaint is about me using the specifically offered Data Center edition of TCAdmin, not that TCAdmin has such and edition and encourages it's use as I am using it. TCAdmin is encouraging competition among their users, oh no! :-)


Yeah but I was just referring to the part about Jason implying he is a support staffer here and also doing the work for you. Some may see it as conflict of interest and may not want him touching there equipment should a support issue arise.


I'm all for Competition Karl. We actually met a few years ago when I was looking to switch DC's but we opted for plan B. I was impressed by your professionalism and have no bad things to say towards you or SF.

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That at least in my book may constitute conflict of interest since TCADMIN maintains that they only support TCADMIN itself.


Not sure if I understand this part.


I do entry level support and TCAdmin setups for TCAdmin to take some of the burden off of Kevin and Luis. I do not resell game or dedicated servers anymore and only focus on TCAdmin license reselling for my company.


My deal with Steadfast is separate from my responsibility at TCAdmin and is basically what I do for my clients. I install TCAdmin on the dedicated server and offer support just for TCAdmin. All support through Steadfast will not go through TCAdmin's support system but will go through Steadfast's.


How that is a conflict of interest I am uncertain especially since I brought the initial idea to Kevin and the current layout, with Steadfast, is what Kevin recommended.

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Not sure if I understand this part.



My deal with Steadfast is separate from my responsibility at TCAdmin .




I understand that but by the way the vultures are picking at this thread and whining they may see it different now.


and like I said.. In my book thats pretty close to it. "But hell I'm not judging I'm just sayin". ;)


Edit: I guess what else is that TCAdmin really made no notice to any of us that you were now on staff here and you only indicated it by the post I quoted. I'm not trying to pick on you or imply you are doing anything unethical. I am just pointing out that appearances are what they look like from my view.


Here is the timeline I saw....


Vet announces he has no time for the gameserver end of things and drops that area of service offerings on his site.


Vet after this announcement is spending more time doing and creating configs like a madman here.


Vet Changes Name to JasonF


Vet is now doing support ( No forum title or announcement)


JasonF starts this thread. :) ( I like that one)


JasonF only smiles when I imply he is working for Karl but offers no confirmation.


JasonF only confirms after I actually state the fact.


JasonF then starts doing some defending.


So you see Jason If you had just said you were working in conjunction with or for SF my guess is this thread would be dead at page 3. ;)

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My take on all of it:


Many of us sell dedicated servers with TCAdmin installed thus having our customers compete with us. I know some of my dedicated customers are selling game servers for considerably less than I do.


Jason gave up his game server business to concentrate on webhosting. He always has contributed config files, but since he no longer has to spend time on supporting his game server clients, he devotes some time to creating more configs. Since he has extra time and is no longer a GSP, ECF asks him to help out with their support (and I would venture a guess that a few others have been asked in the past too). Then Jason has a conversation with Karl about TCA, and I am guessing Karl said he wants to offer it, but does not have either the staff or time to learn it like many of us has, and Jason then begins to do TCAdmin installs for Karl. Jason could just as easily started working for anyone else on these forums.


Some on here sell more dedicated servers or colocation than they do game servers, and some do not. Many of here use others on here for dedicated servers, even tho they are 'competitors'. Some of these 'competitors' are not afraid in the least to help another of us out with a config, or offer advice on other topics related to the GSP business.


So what is the big stink? Just because Karl is not a long term customer of TCA like many, why is he different? We all compete with each other, but we all have our own niche market and business plan. Some are successful, some are not. The way I see it, the more that are using TCAdmin the merrier.

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Would have to agree with Doug here regarding SF, if his customers do have an issue with it I'm sure they can bring it up with Karl.


Seeing how this thread kind of dove in another direction, I'd like to comment on the Jason issue aswell to kind of further what his-mother stated;


personally I would definately have suggested giving a headsup that he was handling support now, aswell as a possibe brief noting of what he would be doing regarding TCA. I ever rerely use the support and have no problems with him or anyone else helping Luis/Kevin, but in the back of my mind im not sure about you guys, but i've never been to keen on past/future competition having any inkling into my business or my accounts with my providers.


And not knowing, starts assumptions

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