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Trackmania Nations Forever


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The client portion of TM Nations Forever has moved to a free download on both STEAM and on file sharing sites.


clientside download - http://files.filefront.com/TrackMania+Nations+Forever+Free+Full+Game/;10013754;/fileinfo.html


Server Setup

1) Download the server files




2) You must have the game, start it up and create an account. When you create the account it will give you a user key.


When you create your server, open the server config and look for this section








Here you will enter the user and pass you created along with your user key.


3) The default command line starts the game settings for NationsWhite.txt. The game settings file should be kept in the GameData\Tracks\MatchSettings\Nations\ folder. I added a custom command line parameter that will allow your clients to upload a custom settings file to this folder and they can specify it in the command line changer section.


4) Use the attached TCAdmin config

Trackmania Nations Forever.txt

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have use i done all of it already, but my servers have one problem. They are lagging and saying: "Invalid Time: the run of 'player x' have been ignored".


I host others servers like cs, css, tmn, and they don't have this kind of lag. Someone knows what's my problem?


CPU are at 30%.



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  • 1 month later...
2) You must have the game, start it up and create an account. When you create the account it will give you a user key.


When you create your server, open the server config and look for this section








Here you will enter the user and pass you created along with your user key.


Add to that looking at the errors, it looks like you don't even have a game config file in the directory.

Tcadmin config is not a game config, it is for allowing tcadmin to work with the game.

You need to know how to run a game, before working on running it with TcAdmin.

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Thanks for reply me. Now i'm trying to run this server with TCA but i don't know how can i see if server is running. I've trackmaniaserver.exe in taskmanager but i can't see it in game. What about game-compatibility?

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Yes, the problem is that i can't find it. In taskmanager is running Trackmaniaserver.exe with 7800K memory. Is it normal? This is my cfg

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" standalone="yes"?>



<NAME>Trackmania - Nations Forever</NAME>













<DEFAULTCMDLINE>/internet /dedicated_cfg=dedicated_cfg.txt /game_settings=%gameserverroot%GameData\Tracks\MatchSettings\Nations\NationsWhite.txt /autoquit</DEFAULTCMDLINE>

<DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE>/internet /dedicated_cfg=dedicated_cfg.txt /%usercmdline% /autoquit</DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE>























































<DESCRIPTION>Server Configuration File</DESCRIPTION>









Note: my path is C:/..../GameInstalls/TMN/TMN/

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  • 7 months later...

i have dedicated_cfg.txt and NationsWhite.txt all in correct place , if i start with a .bat works fine , but if i start the service don't work :(


09/01/30 21:47:17] Initializing...

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] Loading system configuration...

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] ...ERROR: No configuration file.

...Could not load the system configuration

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] Loading cache...

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] ...OK

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] Listening for xml-rpc commands on port 5000.

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] No match settings file

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] Server not started: no ServerName specified.

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] Connecting to master server...

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] ...OK

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] Identifying on master server...

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] ...ERROR: invalid login

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] Please wait, loading...

[2009/01/30 21:47:18] Server not running, exiting.

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  • 5 months later...

D3vil your server isnt being able to load the config file or anything in your comand line, make sure you have this added

/internet /dedicated_cfg=dedicated_cfg.txt /game_settings=C:\UserFiles\*User*\GameServers\Tc***********\GameData\Tracks\MatchSettings\Nations\NationsRed.txt

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  • 4 months later...
i have dedicated_cfg.txt and NationsWhite.txt all in correct place , if i start with a .bat works fine , but if i start the service don't work :(


09/01/30 21:47:17] Initializing...

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] Loading system configuration...

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] ...ERROR: No configuration file.

...Could not load the system configuration

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] Loading cache...

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] ...OK

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] Listening for xml-rpc commands on port 5000.

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] No match settings file

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] Server not started: no ServerName specified.

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] Connecting to master server...

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] ...OK

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] Identifying on master server...

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] ...ERROR: invalid login

[2009/01/30 21:47:17] Please wait, loading...

[2009/01/30 21:47:18] Server not running, exiting.


Hello people i have the same problem does somebody could help i am very noob on this.


Tanks in advance

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Sorry Gs like i have say i am very noob on tcadmin and i dont uderstand what you have said, tanks.

You shouldn’t try be a GSP if that’s what your trying to do if you know nothing about the games/servers or tcadmin, Especially not track mania, if you plan on hosting track mania you need to familiarise yourself with all the add-ons ect, track mania isn’t a easy game to host if you plan on hosting it correctly as you will get people ask for a bit more support than the normal games like cod4 ect, as there’s alot more to change and its harder to do, eg the racing tracks, configuring addons, setting up admins ect,


Add me on msn if you need more support i can help you more on there:cool

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