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Coming to you for help.


I am trying to Start/Stop/Restart using php or curl


What would be the proper commands to send to tcadmin to allow this?


Everything I have tried has restricted it due to asp.net permissions


Thanks in advance :)

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You need to create a page in asp.net and execute it from php with curl.



Dim service As New TCAdminSDK.Objects.Service
service.ServiceID = Request.QueryString("serviceid")
If service.Find() Then
 If service.Start() Then
 End If
End If



$start = curl_init("http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/start.aspx?serviceid=TCXXXXXXXXXX");


In IIS you can restrict access to start.aspx only for local ips or your other web server's ip.

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  • 3 months later...

Currently I have made this, named it stop.aspx and placed in a subfolder on the TCAdmin Web folder in the Webserver front-end, restricted IP access for security, but it doesn't work.


Contents stop.aspx:




           Dim serviceid As String = Request.QueryString("serviceid")
           Dim service As New TCAdminSDK.Objects.Service
           service.ServiceID = serviceid
           If service.Find Then 
               If service.CurrentStatus = TCAdminSDK.Objects.ServiceStatus.Running Then
                       Response.Write("ERROR - Server niet gestopt!<br />")
               End If
               If service.CurrentStatus = TCAdminSDK.Objects.ServiceStatus.Stopped Then
                 Response.Write("Server gestopt.<br />")
               End If
            End If


The address I am trying this with is:



Which is an existing service. Also, when putting in a non-existing serviceid it gives an empty page. When I give this one, it results the message saying it is still running:

ERROR - Server niet gestopt!


Dutch for 'ERROR - Server is not stopped!'.


It is meant to stop the service, but doesn't seem to.


Is there anything I miss at the top part of stop.aspx or did I make an error somewhere?

Please help!

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I read your support ticket. You can find the SDK documentation in your C:\Program Files\TCAdmin Game Control Panel directory on your master server. The filename is SDK.CHM


However, we cannot write code for you. If your devs can read the documentation and create a working system that is great.

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$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, sprintf("http://YOURADDRESS/customcommands.aspx?cmd=restart&id=%s", $_GET['id'] ));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$result = curl_exec ($ch);
curl_close ($ch);


Then create a customcommands.aspx page in your tcadmin/web install folder...


Put the following:


**You need to edit the code to include your ADMINUSER and ADMINPASS in the place I put those two.


You will also need to include your USERID


<%@ Import Namespace="TCAdminSDK"  %>
<%@ Import Namespace="Web.billingapi"  %>

   Dim cmds As ArrayList = New ArrayList(New String() {"status", "start", "stop", "restart", "suspend", "unsuspend", "user"})
   Dim cmd As String = Request.QueryString("cmd")
   Dim service_id As String = Request.QueryString("id")
   If cmd = Nothing OrElse cmds.Contains(cmd) = False OrElse service_id = Nothing Then
       Response.Write("invalid id or cmd")
       Exit Sub
   End If
   Dim Session As TCAdminSDK.Web.Session = New TCAdminSDK.Web.Session()
   If cmd = "user" Then
       Dim u As New TCAdminSDK.Objects.User
       u.UserID = "USERID"
       If u.Find() Then
           For Each service As TCAdminSDK.Objects.Service In u.Services
               Response.Write(service.ServerIP & ":" & service.ServerPort & "<br/>")
       End If
   End If
   Dim svc As New TCAdminSDK.Objects.Service()
   svc.ServiceID = service_id
   If svc.Find Then
       If cmd = "status" Then
       ElseIf cmd = "suspend" Then
           If svc.StartupType = Objects.ServiceStartup.Disabled Then
               Response.Write("server is already suspended")
                   Response.Write("service suspended")
               Catch ex As Exception
                   Response.Write("could not suspend server: " & svc.GetLastError.Source & "<br/>" & svc.GetLastError.Message)
               End Try
           End If
       ElseIf cmd = "unsuspend" Then
           If svc.StartupType <> Objects.ServiceStartup.Disabled Then
               Response.Write("server is not suspended")
                   Response.Write("service unsuspended")
               Catch ex As Exception
                   Response.Write("could not unsuspend server: " & svc.GetLastError.Source & "<br/>" & svc.GetLastError.Message)
               End Try
           End If
       ElseIf cmd = "start" Then
           If svc.CurrentStatus = Objects.ServiceStatus.Running Or svc.CurrentStatus = Objects.ServiceStatus.StartPending Then
               Response.Write("service is already started or starting")
           ElseIf svc.Start() Then
               Response.Write("service started")
               Dim ex As Exception = svc.GetLastError
               Response.Write(svc.GetLastError.Source & "<br/>" & svc.GetLastError.Message)
           End If
       ElseIf cmd = "stop" Then
           If svc.CurrentStatus = Objects.ServiceStatus.Stopped Or svc.CurrentStatus = Objects.ServiceStatus.StopPending Then
               Response.Write("service is already started or starting")
           ElseIf svc.Stop() Then
               Response.Write("service stopped")
               Response.Write(svc.GetLastError.Source & "<br/>" & svc.GetLastError.Message)
           End If
       ElseIf cmd = "restart" Then
           If svc.Stop() AndAlso svc.Start() Then
               Response.Write("service restarted")
               Response.Write(svc.GetLastError.Source & "<br/>" & svc.GetLastError.Message)
           End If
       End If
   End If


You can love me later ;)

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You need to create a session. For example:

       Dim sess As New TCAdminSDK.Web.Session

           If Not sess.LogOn("admin", "password") Then
               Response.Write("Could not log in!")
           End If

           ...your code here

       End Try

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