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Master --> remote = Access denied


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Hi. I've a problem with remote server and master server.


-Master and remote: same version of TCA

-Master and remote: firewall disabled (service mode)

-Using Primary ip

-License updated

-Server added in System > Server

-Monitor config installed in remote

-All consoles restarted


In console mode Access denied xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (master server secondary IP). Why?

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I've personally had an issue since I have dual nics on the master as well. I un-commented out the <!--filter line and added my own filter line to allow traffic from a secondary ip. just put this in all your remote server configs. haven't had a problem since!


<provider ref="ip filter" mode="accept">

<filter mask="" ip="" />



just replace the current line with the filter one above replacing with your secondary ip and it will accept communication from the other ip on your master server.

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