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A little help trouble shooting.


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I am just now trying to use these service as I was looking at other stuff.




My TCAdmin email is not working at all? :sad: I have tried both internal (emails located on the same server) and external email addies but nothing ever shows up. Where should I go to try and trouble shoot this? Other email functions not related to TCAdmin including sendmail are working and were tested prior to this post.




My service monitors don't show anything, you say the bugs are worked out (yes I enabled it and restarted everything :roll:) and I have been updated for over a day. But I still get nothing on the graphs :sad: Where should I start trouble shooting this, or would this one be better for you to look at directly?

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You can check the email error log in the logs folder on your master. the file name is mail.errors.txt






Did you create the scheduled task that saved the data to the database? You should be able to see the graphs as soon as the scheduled task runs for the first time.

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:oops: OK I missed that step on the game monitors. Its running now.




On the emails though there is no mail.errors.txt in the logs folder, so I did a search through the whole contol panel folder for the word mail, only thing that comes up is the 2 mail dll's. So what else should I look at?




Thanls LFA :grin:

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open the monitor in console and create a game server. You should see it send you an email after the game server is created. If you don't see it send the email it is because your admin account doesnt have an email configured. If it sends the email and it doesnt show any errors there is a problem with your email server because the email is sent.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hoooray I finally got the mail working. Not sure as to why it took doing this but here is what did it (especially for your customers useing plesk).




I was running just mailenable on my server as windows smtp and plesk tend to argue (I fixed this). After several times of checking things and turning things on and off and creating acounts, what finally worked was useing the original account setup in mailenable (what I used at first) and turning on the smtp service on windows. I didn't have to create an account in the windows SMTP even though it requires authentication and doing so actually messed it up again. :roll:


Anyone know why this worked for TCadmin?


I know mailenable was setup right for everything else as plesk, webmail, and outlook could all send messages. :lol:

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I think mailenable and MS SMTP allow relay from the local ips by default. That means you don't need to enable authentication in the TCAdmin Configuration utility if your master and mail server are the same server. But if you configure authentication with a valid mailenable account it should work. I have it configured that way.





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  • 4 months later...

I am experiencing this exact error that started this thread. All mail services work when using POP to connect to the mail server.




But when I send a test email I get the same eroor:




Error while sending the email: The message could not be sent to the SMTP server. The transport error code was 0x800ccc15. The server response was not available




I tried applying the fix that was mentioned but I don't have MS SMTP services running. I only have Plesk and it's Mailenable, Horde Web interface, etc ,etc




I have tried localhost, IP, and of course the mail.domain.com which is how I configure all my mail clients. nothing works. Any ideas? If not I'll open a support ticket.

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Do you have "Server Requires Authentication" enabled in the mail settings and configured an account?




If it doesn't work create a support ticket with the link and admin password to your control panel and with the account information you are using to setup your mail settings.

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