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Carrying on from the Fraud Thread


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I thought it best to seperate this from the other Fraud thread, and discuss ways and means of stopping fraud to all of us.


Now as ive not been directly hit yet id like to keep it that way and for others that have im sure they would like to cut it out.


So really whats our options? On monday i will be calling Paypal and discuss with them how we can go about securing payments and how we can protect ourselfs when a chargeback comes into play.


The first step of which im going to introduce is a signed form that im going to first launch on higher value items such as dedicated server rentals etc, getting the customer to sign a document confirming that they are the correct customer and are paying for a Service. I have been going through some of past services ive used and noticed that the bigger companys all do do this to protect there backs.


Another method im going to look into for the smaller costing items is the call to confirm system, where a customer recieves a phone call to confirm they are infact buying the service. Im going to try and find more infomation on this first. And also discuss with Paypal if and how this will help a companys case.


I will document all discussions with Paypal and with anti fraud systems so that we can all try to cut down on the frauds out there.

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Unfortunately Paypal cannot really do anything. They are at the mercy of the credit card companies as the rest of us. However, if you have a signed copy of some form of invoice with the client's name and card number on it you may have a fighting chance.


However, and information would be gladly appreciated I am sure.


I have made a nww forum for the sole purpose of sharing fraud prevention methods and have moved the above post to it.

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Google Checkout carries out a customer review before you are allowed to charge the customer. They will reject a payment if they consider it to be fraudulent.

I'm not sure what their criteria is, but we now offer customers the ability to pay with either Google Checkout or Paypal. We certainly get a better feeling from Google that they are paying more attention to what is going on. Paypal don't seem to give a monkeys, and oh yes, we've been hit by chargebacks from Paypal 3 times now as well. It's bang out of order.

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Yeah google checkout is great, however it fails on some stuff, such as reloadable store gift cards, and some of the other 'less' security enabled cards that fall into that same category, but for the main part it is very secure and much more trustworthy than paypal.

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